Monday 5 December 2016

Socialising and Facebook the Good and Bad

Saturday we all went to our local Indian Restaurant for a meal, which was nice to see both sons, DIL, and daughter all together. Really don't all get together like this often enough - would be nice to have a monthly meet up. They all came back to ours for tea and coffee. Daughter put the toddler to bed before going to my nephew's girlfriend's birthday drinks (women only lol.) I was invited but as it was in town I wasn't that keen - as it can get a bit rough on a Saturday night. If she had picked a local pub I would have probably gone.

Sunday was a quiet day at home with just me and OH, as daughter went to the arboretum with the toddler and her boyfriend. Had a lovely day here - it was quiet and peaceful so I caught up on the housework. OH took the grandson (8) to the cinema in the morning which was nice, and we are both taking the eldest granddaughter (4) to see Father Xmas next week.

Snow in the Cairngorm Mountains Scotland

Today I managed to find an old friend on Facebook that emigrated to Scotland a few years back. Was thinking it would be nice to go to Scotland and show the toddler what snow looks like as we haven't had any here for about 3 years - well not enough to make a snowman anyway lol. Can't believe she is still there living in the countryside as she was a definite city person here and always out and about in town. The health service where she lives is far superior to here as her kids needed an operation before she left and were operated on in Scotland in 3 weeks for their hearing problems - here it was a 6month waiting list.

Still on the subject of Facebook I read something truly nasty on there today. On a selling site a single mum asked if anyone had a spare Christmas tree and decorations so she could make it nice for her 2 children and she didn't have any money. Well people donated a tree, decorations, toys for the kids etc all free to help her. Turns out she was selling an iphone 7 on another site for £400 and was rude to a lot of the people saying things had to be brand new and a certain colour. Also her 2 children changed to 3 children and she started calling people who questioned why she only wanted new things fat pigs!! Obviously a scammer wanting to sell the stuff and not in need at all. Someone even gave her a karaoke machine for the kids and various toys. They all feel really used and so would I. Some people have no morals. This sort of thing will prevent people helping genuine cases asking for help and suffering real hardship. So sad really I hope she can be prosecuted for it as I think it is fraud.

Bottom line is that Facebook often does lots of good things eg finding lost pets, lost people, connects friends and shares lifestyles but there are some very dodgy people on there so never believe all that you read.
Bye for now All the best x

Pics from Google search 

Friday 18 November 2016

An unsettled week

Well Saturday went well and the new lino (whoops I meant vinyl ) flooring was all laid nicely and finished in a couple of hours. The chap who fitted it lives a few doors away so is a neighbour. He is a fully trained carpet and flooring fitter, and works for a carpet shop full time, so we use him for ourselves and family members - and get a great job done for a good price. Moving all the furniture back in place and sorting all the rubbish is still ongoing a week later lol. Oh the cobwebs behind the furniture - it was horrendous!! On a positive note I have thrown away the hallway curtains and bought new (well second hand ) from eBay. The old ones were lined velvet but from 1976 and were already here when we bought this house in 1999. They were thick with dust and went straight in the bin. Really need the hallway, stairs and landing decorated soon as the paper is peeling off the walls (with some help from the toddler and dog ) and the paint is flaking off. Might get someone in to give me a quote next week while nobody is here - and break it gently to OH if it is a good price.

Wednesday this week I went to the cemetery with my sisters and nieces to attend the burial of my brother's ashes into my mum and stepdad's grave. This is what my sisters wanted so I went along with it. To be honest I would have just scattered the ashes on the 'garden of remembrance' at the crematorium, as it was quite expensive to open the grave and have the undertaker attend. Afterwards we went to the local pub for a drink and I went on to Mel's home for an hour or so as she didn't look very good. Her OH (my BIL ) had to return to work so it was nice to keep her company. My OH didn't attend but he did come to the actual funeral and cremation, a few months ago.

Today, Friday, started off early with the toddler (Ava) waking at 7.30am. I looked after her from 8am until 1.15pm and we had quite a good morning. My niece visited with her 3 year old (Liam) and then my other niece called in with her 2 year old (Rosa) This went down very well with Ava as she had other children to play with. Liam's mum comes most Fridays as she doesn't work on that day and just has the little boy so it's quite a regular playdate. Toddler is developing some unsociable habits though as she greeted me this morning with her PJ bottoms in one hand and her wet nappy in the other saying "I been wee I need a new nappy" lol. Happy days - where's the sellotape lol.

When daughter came in from work I left to pay a second visit to Mark (youngest son) in his new flat. He has everything sorted nicely there now as the white goods have arrived, the washing was all finished, everything was clean and tidy and he has painted the bathroom. Very houseproud is Mark and he likes everything neat, clean and tidy, This time I took the motorway and it was much easier. Coming home was much more straightforward and quicker but I don't really like driving in the dark. At least I didn't get lost or stuck in traffic this time as last week was awful. So peaceful there to sit and drink coffee, looking out of the window at the sea. Next week Mark will visit us as I have said it is his turn lol. Daughter was quite put out because I left while she was still trying on clothes she had bought.  I couldn't wait to go out tbh as I am not in the best of moods with her due to quite a few 'angry exchanges' this week mostly about the toddler. Let's just say that her ways and ideas of childcare are not at all similar to mine, so there is a lot of conflict as I am quite an outspoken person. When I got home OH was looking after the toddler and daughter had left to go to her boyfriend's father's birthday party. She is coming home tomorrow morning. Toddler had eaten all her tea which is a first for a few weeks now as she has been unwell with a bad cough and cold.

I am tired tonight because although I went to bed at 1am (which is earlier than a few months ago) I had a bad coughing fit until 1.30am. Daughter then started coughing until 2am. Really hope we are all better soon as it has been a long time now. I am aiming to get to bed before 12 midnight eventually but atm it is between 1am and 1.30am which is a good start. I do have a sleep problem but I am working on it so hopefully it will be better soon. My normal sleep pattern is to go to bed at 2.30 am and then get up at 10am which is not great really, especially when I have to get up Thursday and Friday to look after Ava at 8am.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 10 November 2016

Out and About Visiting Week

Well I am still not well and the weeks are going on and on. If the cough doesn't give up by next week I think it will be back to the GP. This week I have almost stopped feeling dizzy when I walk around so I have made the most of it and started going out more. Was starting to feel like I was developing agoraphobia where I have been so housebound for so many weeks now. I'm also catching up slowly on the housework and washing although nothing is up to scratch yet - it is kind of difficult to do cleaning when you keep falling sideways lolol. Anyway, enough moaning about my health (or rather the lack of it lol) and on to where I have been this week.

Firstly, I decided that I couldn't be infectious any longer so went to see my sister Mel. She is on dialysis for kidney failure so I didn't want to give her my cough and cold. Have not seen her for around 7 weeks so we had a lot of catching up to do and had a good old chat. It was so nice to be out and about again rather than stuck in the house. Really feel for elderly who never get out it must be so depressing looking at the same 4 walls year in year out. Anyway, stayed until half past 5 and then decided not to go straight home but to go on to visit Amy (my other sister.) Stayed at Amy's for just over an hour which was really nice. Amy now has 4 jobs - she has always been the 'super active' one in the family. She works in a corner shop for a few hours a day monitoring the school kids who tend to rush in en mass and grab everything (as kids do) So the shopkeeper finds it cheaper to pay her than to loose stock at an alarming rate lolol. I suppose you would call it security guard! Second job is at a Chinese chip shop, delivering orders and serving when needed 3 nights a week. This suits her as her partner is a lorry driver working 4 nights a week so it's company for her. Third job is delivering parcels for a courier firm 6 mornings a week, and lastly she sells on eBay - and very successfully too. On the way home I saw a large fox stood in the middle of the road, so I stopped and flashed the lights a few times. It looked at me and slowly strolled back onto the pavement. Such a beautiful animal but they are so destructive and kill for fun not just for food. My granny lost over 100 chickens to 3 foxes when we went out for the day once, and only 4 were taken by them for food.

OK I will move out of the road lol

Today I went to visit my youngest son in his new flat. It is lovely with oak flooring, and leather settees really nice, and it overlooks the sea. He is very minimalist and very fussy with the cleaning. He had to stay in today for the white goods delivery and the TV installation people, so it was nice to have a chat. You wouldn't know he only moved 10 days ago as he's all unpacked and set up nicely. On the way there the sat nav packed up as I didn't have the battery charger plugged in properly. Luckily I was right by a shopping centre so could park easily to sort it out. So glad it didn't happen on the motorway! Then, I stopped behind a small lorry at temporary traffic lights and when they turned green and we moved forward the oncoming traffic was coming towards us on the same side of the road! The lights were obviously both green at the same time!! So dangerous!! On the way home it was a nightmare too, as I had to pass a shopping mall that had an event on (Christmas lights being turned on) so all roads were blocked solid including the motorway. It took me an hour and a half to get home from a half hour trip. I did like going there though and he's said to come again next week - I
can't wait it's so peaceful there.

I arrived home to total chaos as we are having vinyl flooring fitted in the back room and hallway on Saturday. OH had started ripping up the hallway carpet and moving the furniture into the front room. It was a very good carpet (Axminster pure wool) but at least 15 years old (here when we bought the house) so a bit threadbare now lol. The carpet shampooer broke 6 months ago, and really I couldn't keep up with the mess from the dog covered in mud and OH's dirty boots anyway. Daughter, toddler and the boyfriend were on the way out for a meal as I arrived so it was peaceful for a while. I think tomorrow I shall go and visit Jane (my other sister) as I am feeling a bit better - so going out while I can in case the dizzy spells get worse again. I still have it but not as bad as it was. I feel fine sitting down so I'm safe to drive. The toddler is not well either. She has a bad cough and cold and is not eating properly. GP checked her over and it is just a virus atm.

 My once tidy front room!!

My hallway without carpet!!

Bye for now All the best x

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Time for Changes

Well last time I wrote I was ill so I ended up at the Dr who prescribed steroids and antibiotics. In all fairness they did improve the cough but I am still ill and it is nearly a month now!! Unbelievable but true! I do still have the cough and slight cold but for the last week I have felt dizzy when I walk around or bend down and my ear is popping so it is a blocked ear causing it. I don't feel too bad as I got chatting to a shop assistant who has had this virus for 3 1/2 weeks herself so it is long lasting and not just me in poor health. Hoping I will be well soon and it all clears up. It was my first time on steroids but I was fine with them despite reading all about the side effects lol. The only difference I noticed was when eating a meal normally I never finish it as I find the portions too big, but with the steroids I found that I could eat much more and not feel full. Perhaps this is why some people put on weight when taking them idk.

We made our last trip to North Devon a couple of weeks ago staying the weekend. We have brought the caravan home with us for the winter - it just about fitted on our driveway with the hook thing at the front pushed into the garage. OH has boarded around it so nobody can get in the garage and there it stays until we are off to sunny South Devon next year. I am slowly clearing it out and bringing all the clothes and cleaning stuff etc into the house - just doing a bit every day as my balance is not too good atm.

Yesterday we had a Halloween party for the children in the family which went very well. I was serving hot dogs and burgers, daughter went out with all the kids and their parents and then organised games back here. We started at 5 and were finished by 8.30 which was nice and early. Daughter sorted out Apple Bobbing, Pass the Parcel, Wrap your Daddy and turn him into a Mummy, Hit the Pinata and the Grand sweet sharing - see the pics below!!

My middle son stayed the night and is moving to his own place tomorrow.He has moved into a 1 bedroom flat about 15 minutes drive from his workplace. He had to move as he wanted his own place and he was taking up son and DIL's front room so they were a bit cramped in the back room with the 2 grandchildren. I think my DIL will miss him as he was always ready with the G & T when she came home from work and is a very good cook lol. OH helped him move with his cousin helping too. Can't wait to visit as it looks very nice in the pic he sent. 

Well that's all for now as I haven't been out and about or done anything interesting really due to being so ill. Bye for now All the best x

Monday 17 October 2016

October Update

OK so it is now well into October and nearly a month since I last wrote on here. Things are improving on the babysitting front as I am not looking after the toddler so frequently. Last week was the exception as the childminder got married and went on her honeymoon, for the whole week. Don't really know how I got through last week as I have been ill (and still am) with a virus and chest infection. OH and the toddler have had it too but not the chest infection - I get one with every cold as I have COPD. Even worse the toddler climbed up on the back of the sofa and jumped on daughter's neck so she is having trouble moving her head, and needs to go to A & E tomorrow!

I am coping here (while I have been ill) by just trying to do something every day towards the upkeep of the house. Today I stripped the bed, washed the kitchen floor and did some washing. Yesterday I vacuumed the hallway and dining room; the day before cleaned the kitchen worktops. It is not enough really but all I can manage at the moment. I am working on the theory that doing anything (even if not to a high standard) is better than doing nothing. We have also decided to put vinyl flooring in the dining room and hallway which should clean the place up nicely as the carpet looks worse for wear, my carpet shampooer died, and the hallway carpet is worn out. It's a nice pattern and will look like wood planks when fitted. We are lucky we have a great carpet fitter neighbour just 3 doors away lol.

The dog behaviourist came twice and I am pleased to say there has been some improvement in the dog's behaviour. It was not cheap, and the dog is not perfect but she is growling much less now. I think the trigger is usually when she suspects that she is going to be moved somewhere she doesn't want to be (usually behind a stair gate in the kitchen.) This is still a work in progress but like I said it is improving.

This would be nice!! 

OH and me have decided we really like Teignmouth in South Devon and will move to that area in 3 years time when he retires. Ideally, we would like a small cottage with a large garden (2 up 2 down style) Will need to declutter the house first as there is so much junk here  I made a good start before I became ill and have 3 large bags in my car ready to take to the charity shop. I have always wanted a small cottage as I was brought up in one and I like the country living style. Also, living near the seaside will be healthier that living on the edge of a city with all it's pollution. The grandchildren will love visiting for weekends too. One of my best friends lives in South Devon so I will be able to visit her more often - oh I can't wait to go.

Party for the Kids arranged

It's Halloween at the end of the month and usually we have a big family party here. However, this year we have decided to just do a kid's party for family and friend's children from 5 pm - 8.30 pm with sandwiches, hot dogs etc. The kids will all go trick or treating first, as daughter and her boyfriend will take the toddler. This year will be a bit different as kids and their parent will have to go with daughter - not just daughter on her own with all the kids!! And it will be a tea party - not one almighty drinking session like we usually have lol.

Bye for now All the best x

Monday 19 September 2016

Things are not too good

Well it's now well into September and things are not too great at home atm. Have just read through my last entry (31Aug 2016) re only minding the toddler 2 mornings a week! Well so far it was 2 almost full days while daughter went to work for training days, then she went on a night out with friends so that meant babysitting til 3am - when her friend got back first and woke me up! Also had to take toddler for settling in sessions at the childminder, have covered various other times as well when she has had to stay late. Also, she went out at 6pm this last weekend and returned at 10 am the next day. Next month will be worse as the childminder is on holiday for one and a half weeks! And to top it off this Sunday is looking chaotic as daughter, OH and various other family members are off on their annual pub crawl! Really feeling that I don't want to babysit anymore than my 2 mornings a week now - as was the agreement.

The situation with the dog has worsened I am sad to say. She has now taken to growling at me quite frequently especially when OH is at work. Also growling at my daughter. We contacted the vet who recommended a behaviourist. Every week she seems to get worse and she has just started to growl at OH too. We have separated her completely from the toddler and she spends the day in the garage with the door open to the garden until OH gets home. If I enter the garage she growls and snarls at me but then lays down and is ok. If I am home alone, eg when daughter is at work and toddler at the childminder, she can come in the house if she wants to but often she prefers to stay in the garage alone. This is a really bad situation and we are all really hoping the behaviourist will be able to help as we really don't want to get rid of her. We may not have a choice if she escalates to biting me or others. Hoping to see the dog behaviourist next week, as the 3 people I contacted were all fully booked for 3 or 4 weeks!

We have had a couple of birthdays this month - grandson turned 8, Daughter-in-law had a birthday, and OH was 65! He isn't retiring though and plans to work for another 4 years. So we visited grandson and had birthday cake and coffee. For OH's birthday our sons, myself and daughter all went out to his favourite curry restaurant. For DIL we had the grandchildren stay over in daughter's bed so son and DIL could have a nice night out. They were really well behaved and slept well but not sure if daughter did as she didn't have a lot of room lol.

Bye for now All the best.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

I'm Back!


Well it has been so long since I have been on here, nearly a month! We went away for almost 3 weeks in the caravan with the dog. We picked up the caravan from storage in North Devon and towed it to a lovely site near Dawlish in South Devon. OH picked the site and it was very nice, swimming pools, kids play areas, entertainment etc etc. Only downside was that the do was not allowed in the entertainment bars so we took it in turns to go in or wait outside! We had a few nights on our own then youngest son came down for a week, and my sister and BIL joined us for 2 nights. When they left daughter and toddler came and stayed for a week. Daughter had to return home to work her notice as she is starting a new job in September in a school as a T/A so we had the toddler for her with us in the caravan. Youngest son returned after 2 days (only went home to attend a wedding) and daughter came back to join us! It was like running a B&B there lol. Unfortunately the dog (although well behaved with everyone on the site and a favourite with everyone's kids) has now taken a severe dislike to the toddler and is growling at her whenever she approaches. I can see where the dog is coming from as toddler hits and kicks her and grabs her fur every day so the dog is not having any of it anymore. We are keeping them separate atm and hoping that the toddler will learn soon how to behave. It did cause a lot of friction between me and the daughter though, which is not ideal on a holiday.


We went to Torquay, Dawlish, Dawlish Warren and Teignmouth on day trips out which was nice. Dawlish had a carnival on with lots of floats going round and various shows on the green. It is a pretty place with a stream running through the middle of town with various birds (ducks, geese etc) roaming around. Teignmouth was our favourite as there is everything there for kids and adults. Great entertainment on the beach with live bands, bouncy castles and fountains for the toddler, and lots of shops to look around. We found the best rump steak ever in the No 9 bistro there. It even has a Weatherspoons for the OH lol. Really would like to move there in the future as it is the first holiday place I have felt completely at home in. Also managed to spend a lovely afternoon visiting my friend who moved to Exeter a few years ago. Was great catching up for a chat and I have promised to visit and stay for a few days soon. Anyway, holiday came to an end and we towed it back to North Devon and came home to MOUNTAINS of washing. The bedding all needed washing for daughter, son, sister and BIL and ours so 5 lots of duvet covers sheets and pillowcases to start with! Finally finished it 3 days after I came home and now just have the ironing which is only a few pairs of shorts and blouses. We don't iron much in this house lol.

Back at home OH went to work on Bank Holiday Monday, daughter is catching up watching Harry Potter DVDs and I'm doing the cleaning!! The bathroom has a mould problem which OH will have to sort out as it's on the ceiling and spreading to the shower. Toddler's birthday cards are still up in the front room almost a month after her birthday and the place is a mess generally. But never mind it was worth it! Can't wait to go away again soon, and now I only have the toddler Thursday and Friday mornings until 1.30pm  so will have plenty of time!

All the best Bye for now x

Thursday 4 August 2016

Not a Great Day!

Well today did not really go well as I woke up feeling a bit dizzy again. Think it is my ears causing the problem as it has been that in the past. It's not too bad yet so hoping it will clear without seeing the GP.

He Came Through the Window

Was enjoying a nice early morning coffee when I suddenly had a feeling that something was wrong - I do get these feelings of 'doom' from time to time and quite often something not very great does happen. Well daughter came home late morning and told me her boyfriend's house where she stayed was broken into last night! (It's a shared house with 3 people living there.) Talk about coincidences, as I was reading someones blog yesterday who wrote that their village had suffered burglaries recently, and now it was happening a bit closer to home. Apparently the thief would have had to climb over garden fences to get to the property. They left the kitchen window slightly open but latched, and the thief managed to open it and reach in to steal someones car keys, wallet and car which contained a works laptop. At least they didn't enter the house while everyone was sleeping. Daughter was not in a very good mood this morning and quite short, probably very stressed. I didn't bother telling her that I had one of my 'premonitions' and it might have freaked her out even more. In fact, the only person I told was the dog, who won't tell anyone lolol. On a positive note our dog has superior hearing and would have been barking nonstop, as she was at 3 am one night when a cat went fishing in our pond! Not that she would do anything apart from bark anyway, but it is a useful alarm to have!

I am a firm believer in premonitions and ESP as my logical explanation for it is that it's part of the workings of the brain that have developed in some people but not in others. Or that some people accept these feelings and others dismiss them as daydreams, coincidences or nonsense. There is still an awful lot about the brain that we do not understand, or know about, so I think this makes sense to me. However, there is a world of difference between thinking of someone and then they contact you and so called fortune tellers - 99% of which I am sure are fakes in it for the money. Just my opinion.

Daughter went out to the park with her friend and the toddler, and they had dinner at the pub. Me and OH had a kebab from the local shop as neither of us wanted to cook. OH had a bad day at work today as he interviewed someone for a job and then the firm owner told him and the candidate that there were no vacancies atm!!! The owner is in his late 70s so I do think he may well be getting a bit senile as he knew about the vacancy, and had approved the advertising for it! He will probably change his mind again next week.

That's all for now All the best x

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Nice Quiet Week So Far

Well so far this week it has been nice and quiet lol. Sunday was peaceful with just me here and OH at work. Sister and BIL visited on the evening and we had a barbecue tea in the garden.
Chinese Delivery Night

Monday daughter came home with the toddler and her boyfriend who picked her up from the airport. They all went out for a meal, so me and OH went shopping and had a Chinese takeaway from the shop Amy (my sister) is working for (as a delivery driver) 3 nights a week. Lovely food and much better than our local one. They have just opened so I hope it stays really nice as they have converted us! We also went to the vet with the dog who did a health check and then said she will refer us to a behaviourist to try and sort out the growling and snapping issues. It really is like having 2 different dogs here - she is soft and gentle and loving one minute, then changes and hides under the chair and becomes really nasty if you go near her. So strange. Really hope we can sort it out.

Tuesday was a day at home with the toddler very interested in all her toys as she has not seen them for a week. Tuesday night was a different matter when daughter went back to work. Ava was happy for her to go then about half an hour later started crying for Mummy by the door. OK with a biscuit but then it happened again, and again. I opened the door in the end and showed her daughter's car was gone and she was OK after that. First time we have had this when daughter goes to work. Probably because she has been with her mum 24/7 on holiday for a week.At least she went straight to sleep when it was bedtime. I cooked a cottage pie for tea and it was so quick to slice the carrots and chop the onion in my new food processor. Really like using it and I am going to try to make hummus next as Ava and OH love it.
My Magic Machine

Today, Wednesday, daughter and toddler went out shopping for the afternoon with her friend so it was nice and peaceful again! I decided to try and walk a bit further with the dog and managed a 1.2 mile round trip. I would have gone another half a mile but the road was closed off for roadworks so I had to turn back. As long as it is a level walk, and not a hill, I am OK walking and can go quite far, but hills are really difficult for me due to COPD. Shame really that the other way to go was up a steep hill so I just had to head home. I've decided to do this every day if I can as it will give the dog more exercise and help me to get fit. This afternoon I dropped off daughter's dress at the cleaners and took my jacket in to the dress maker to get the sleeves shortened. It was expensive, but it is a really nice white classic jacket - and it is machine washable - so ideal for a wedding or posh do. Called in to see Mel (sister) for a quick coffee on the way home. She looks a lot happier and is looking forward to having her granddaughter (7yr old) stay overnight a few times during the holidays. Kids are so much easier when they are a bit older. Daughter and toddler have gone to the boyfriend's house for the night tonight, so I'm just chilling and catching up with friends online. Nice!

Keep Fit Started Today For Me and the Dog!

Bye for now All the best x

Saturday 30 July 2016

Overloaded Car - Broken Cup - New Toy

Well Friday was pretty quiet and not a lot happened here apart from Amy (sister) visiting in the afternoon. Her car has broken down and is in the garage for repair. Apparently she was just parking and heard a bang, got out to look and the back axle had snapped, so car was down on the road on that side. Now Amy is known for seriously overloading her car with various junk (I mean treasures) that she buys and sells and often gets from skips. It is a seven seater but wardrobes, washing machines etc have all been taken for a ride in it! And she makes a good living from the things she gets so who am I to condemn her? But at the end of the day it is a 'car' and not a lorry lol. She also uses it for car boot sales so all this wear and tear means it has been too heavy for the poor axle and Bang! I did suggest she should buy a van but she's getting it repaired, to break another day lol. Amy told me her daughter's flat has a back and front garden so that will be really nice for the kids, and she is moving in next Friday.

OH came home around 6 pm - not so early today. He went to the shop for some milk and came back with a Chinese takeaway for tea which saved me cooking omelettes. Really dislike cooking so I was not complaining! Got a disturbing message from daughter saying the toddler had accidentally knocked a cup off of a shelf in a shop and broken it. The shopkeeper wanted her to pay for it but she didn't have cash on her. Shopkeeper called a man and they tried to keep her in the shop and take her bracelet as payment! They got out of the shop and he followed her down the road grabbing her and insisting she give him something from her bag to pay for it or give her bracelet over. Her friend stopped him and they got back to the hotel safely. She saw the rep who advised her to report it to police but she was told the police don't speak much English and probably wouldn't do anything anyway. And the cup was only worth around £6! To be honest I would have paid for it if one of my kids had broken something, but really intimidating someone and following them is not on.

Oh Dear Storm In A Tea Cup!

Today (Saturday) OH had the day off so we went shopping to Lidl and B&M. Saw a food processor and liquidiser for £29.99 so bought it as it was a reasonable make - Russell Hobbs. I have got an old food processor that Amy gave me years ago (she bought a job lot in an auction) but only used it once as it was not complete and had no instructions with it. Also had lots of bits some of which didn't even belong to it! Well, it might regenerate my interest in cooking - you never know. Have grated some cheese for cauliflower cheese and a carrot to test it so far lol. Heard from daughter and she is all ok but staying in the hotel for the day as it is 35 C on the beach! They are all off to a dinner and show tonight and a boat trip tomorrow. Sounds good to me.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 28 July 2016

Someone has a New Home - Out for Dinner - One Way Ticket

Today (Thursday) started quietly and I had a late start, sleeping in til 9.30 am. After a nice relaxing morning sat with the dog watching TV AM and Jeremy, playing an online game - a free one lol - and putting on the last of the washing the phone rang. It was Mel (sister) wanting to come over for coffee. 10 minutes later she had arrived and there she stayed until 4 pm! It's never a quick visit with Mel lol. She rang our other sister Amy and found out that our niece was taking the flat after all. I'm so pleased she did as she is a lovely mum and the kids really need somewhere to call home even if it is only temporary - which in our area can mean up to 3 years.
It may be empty but it's home

OH came home 5 minutes after Mel left, so 4.05 pm, which is very early for him. We sat chatting and then went out for a meal at the Greek restaurant which was not cheap but very nice. Feel really thirsty now though, as at home I cook without salt mainly because of the toddler, and eating out or from take-aways I do find that they use a lot of salt, especially in foreign dishes. Daughter did a video call while we were there but it was a very bad connection so didn't chat for long. She is having a great time swimming in the sea with her friend and the toddler. Has a lovely 4* hotel, so all fine there.

At the moment I am trying not to look at the news as I find it very upsetting to read and watch the terrible things that are happening around Europe. I expect a lot of other people are doing the same as they are as fed up as I am hearing of yet another terrorist based atrocity going on. How can anyone justify murdering a Catholic Priest who was 84 years old! Or deliberately driving at little babies and toddlers in pushchairs? If they really see themselves as soldiers of their cause why are they not targeting the military bases? I'll tell you why. Because they are cowards and know they would loose so they pick on the weak, the old and the very young, those who cannot fight back. What I cannot understand is why countries prevent people from going to join them, and then take them back, when they are brought back or they return. If anyone wants to leave to join terrorists let them go and never have them back in this, or any other country, again. We do not need ex-terrorists (or terrorist sympathisers) here and neither does any other country in Europe. Make sure if they leave it is a one way ticket only. This is my own personal view on the situation - readers may not agree with me but that is all OK.

Bye for now All the best x

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Great Value and Today's Society

Yesterday (Tuesday) went well, as I had a nice quiet day at home just popping out to get a card and some chocolates for Jane's birthday (my youngest sister.) While I was shopping my other sister Amy rang to say they were all going out for a meal to celebrate Jane's birthday so me and OH went along and had a lovely meal. It was a large pub/restaurant on the outskirts of town offering 2 for 1 on all meals. Extensive menu, steaks, paella, swordfish really great choice at least 20 different dishes. I picked the scampi and 5 oz rump which was very well cooked, and OH had the ribs. Service was good too so will definitely go again as at £14 for 2 meals it is great value, (in North Devon you would easily pay this for 1 person.) I wore a new skirt that I saw in one of the charity shops while shopping and at £3.99 it was a bargain. Washed, dried and wore out to dinner in under 3 hours lol. I love it and it is midi length, and Per Una so a good make. First thing I have bought this year, but I usually shop in charity shops or on eBay as I love a good bargain.

Today (Wednesday) Amy rang to say she was ill last night with a bad stomach and was I OK? Well I don't think it was the food as 9 of us ate there and we are all fine except her. Her home is - how can I put this tactfully - rather grubby (and that is an understatement lol) so she probably caught it at home lol. I did pop round to see her this afternoon and she is fine and feeling much better so all OK. My niece and her 2 kids are staying there atm as they are homeless (couldn't afford the rent on the private rented house) and waiting for a council / housing association place. Feel so sorry for the kids as they are sleeping 4 in one bedroom (2 nieces and a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old) altogether 6 people in a 2 bed house. Well today the council offered her a temporary 2 bedroom ground floor flat but she was not sure she would take it as it was not furnished! Sister had told her that they provided furnished temporary accommodation which I know they don't. I did mention it but got told I was thinking of 20 yrs ago!!! I left soon afterwards lol. In her position I would have said Yes straight away as she is heading for trouble living with my sister. The health visitor has already said the home is dangerous for children (piles of junk everywhere and oxygen bottles around for her partner) so it will only be a matter of time until the dreaded SS get involved and remove the kids. Can see it coming but can't say anything as it really is not my business.  

Thinking about this with my niece has made me realise that the way I was brought up is so far removed from today's world. We didn't have a fridge, washing machine, hoover, freezer, dishwasher, microwave, or tumble dryer. No central heating either or hot water - just a gas cooker, coal fire and an electric kettle! Now my niece would not dream of moving without white goods etc! Today's generation want everything now and pay for it later. Credit card debts are rife thoughout our society as each person strives to better their friends and neighbours, even at the expense of their mental well being. How many friends have I known over the years who cannot rest easy because of debt? One of the wealthiest people I met on a cruise liner was wearing a faded pair of cords, non-branded trainers and a faded check shirt. He was smoking a roll up out on deck and told me his companies in the States were doing so well he had retired and was in his second year cruising around the world on back to back cruises! I have also found, when doing home visiting with teenagers in care, that the poorest families have the newest furniture and decor, which showed me that so many are living beyond their means. 50 inch TVs were the norm in single parent flats!  If they lost their job, divorced/separated, or became ill, they would also loose their home as they couldn't keep up the payments on all the credit cards, loans, etc. which is a sad state to be in. Perhaps if you don't have much you really need to pretend you do - and if you are very wealthy then you do not need to put on a 'show.'

Bye for now All the best x

Monday 25 July 2016

Parties Holidays and Dog Problems

Well what a busy week it has been! OH went off camping with the BIL from Saturday til Tuesday so I did get some peace here. Managed to do some cleaning and get the house more up together being home alone. They go every year to desolate camp sites in the middle of nowhere; well it was the Wye Valley this year in Wales. It is definitely a man thing with crates of beer, cooking on a camp fire, sleeping rough (sometimes not even on a proper site) so not for me or my sister lol. Daughter came home on Monday and had a good time at Butlins apart from having to chase the toddler everywhere - she can really sprint that one! Tuesday was my niece's 2nd birthday party. Youngest son stayed over Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was daughter's graduation from Uni - so me, OH, and her boyfriend attended with the toddler. Toddler was quite well behaved for the ceremony and we went to the park afterwards with one of her friends and her parents for photos. It was pricey as £45 to hire the cap and gown, £50 for the photos, then they charged entry to the park gardens at £1.50 each! Me and OH got in cheaper as we are over 60 which was good, and daughter being a student was only 80p. On the night it was off to a Caribbean Restaurant for dinner, cake and candles as it was her birthday the next day. Really didn't like the food there as it was all very spicy - strange really all the men loved it but all the women didn't like it!

Thursday was daughter's actual birthday so she went out with the toddler and her boyfriend for most of the day which was good. We looked after the toddler for her on the evening, and she went off out again in town for dinner and drinks. Daughter always celebrates her birthday over several days lol. She has been in and out all week with the toddler, going to see childminder, parks, shopping in town, soft play etc so it has been quieter which is nice. Love the toddler but really find her too much as she is a very active child and I think I just need a more peaceful life now (see name of this blog lol.) The weekend was anything but quiet with her boyfriend staying over and her friend visiting. I ended up doing all her washing again as she had to work on Sunday and was going to Spain on Monday with her friend and the toddler! Never prepares anything in advance does my daughter! She was still packing Sunday night and the flight was at 4 am Monday morning! So Sunday night we had her friend staying over on the settee and her boyfriend staying for the night as he was taking her to the airport. OH woke them all up as they didn't hear the alarms lol. So it will be no daughter or toddler here for a week until next Monday. My eldest son and his family are on holiday abroad for a fortnight too - they flew out the day after they came home from Butlins so no visits either unless youngest son comes and stays over. Perhaps it is time for me to go visiting instead and get out and about this week.

I am having problems with the dog atm which is getting worse as the days go on. We keep her in the kitchen away from the toddler as toddler pulls her fur and is rough with her. She comes in the living room on and off all day when we can supervise properly.The dog doesn't like this and whines quite a lot. Well for the last 2 months she has started to growl at me when I try to put her out. At first it was a quick low growl, but this has now escalated to growling, snarling, snapping at me and hiding under the table. I have to slip a lead on her to put her out which, so far, she is accepting. Today we moved the table away from the wall so we have easier access to her but it has not helped. She was sick this morning (probably from not eating as this causes it quite regularly) and when I smoothed her and said come in she was growling in the garden. I opened the garage and put her there for half an hour but still growling and snarling when I went to get her in. Coaxing with biscuits, shouting etc has no effect and usually makes her worse. I sat on a chair out there and decided to growl back at her really loudly. She magically changed immediately and came licking my hand, so whether it is a dominance issue or not I don't know. I am worried though as the toddler won't understand not to touch her when she growls. She has also done this to my OH so it is not just a dislike of me. However when he shouts at her she does stop, but not with me. This week she will have run of the downstairs as toddler is not around, apart from bedtime. The routine now is to let her out last thing at night, then put the lead on in the garden and lead her into the kitchen to bed. She never used to be like this and would go straight to bed when told, as good as gold, but it is what I have to do now to avoid a major growling and snarling issue with her hiding under the table. Don't really know what to do but will growl back when it happens again and hope it keeps working. I think I may need to see a dog behaviourist if it doesn't stop. It is such a shame as she was (and still is) a lovely friendly puppy and loves everyone most of the time - it is just when you try to move her somewhere she doesn't want to go or take something off her she shouldn't have.

Time to go as it is getting late. All the best x

Friday 15 July 2016

Toddler Troubles, Peace and Nice

Well Thursday started well and we had a good morning, me and the toddler. She has a bit of a cold and with Ava her behaviour deteriorates during any minor illness so I was expecting things to get a bit hair raising later on. Lunchtime I walked into the adjacent open plan kitchen (separated from her only by a stair gate so could see her) She was on the settee watching TV and sat down nicely. As I picked up a slice of bread I heard her jumping on the settee then screaming and crying. She had stood up and jumped and head butted the wall. One bruise forehead, and me running to her with a slice of bread in my hand. Took her into the kitchen to make the sandwich to avoid any more mishaps! After lunch and nap time OH took her to the park, which was nice and gave me a break. On return things went down hill. In the space of 5 minutes had she pulled the dog's leg and tail, (dog promptly removed to kitchen), tried to bite my OH's leg, threw all the books over the floor, shaken her cup of water over the floor, thrown all the clean towels from the cupboard over the floor, and then had a tantrum. Took her temperature and it was 100 F, with nose running, so not very well. It is always like this at the start of any cold or other illness. My son was the opposite and very well behaved if he was ill but very difficult when well lol. Daughter returned at midnight and was up at 1 am, and again through the night with her crying so not a great night either.

In contrast Friday (today) has been a great day as daughter and toddler left mid-morning to go away with her brother's family to a holiday camp for the weekend. It is so peaceful here today and I managed to do some hoovering and washing in peace with no interruptions. Had a good tidy around the house and watched some daytime TV, that was not the Tiny Pop or CBeebies lol. OH came home around 6 pm and we had a takeaway Chinese for tea. Perfect.


Feel very sad about what happened in Nice, France last night. What possesses someone to deliberately drive a lorry at people, including babies and toddlers in buggies? This is pure cowardice as the targets are not the military or the police, but innocent civilians, just people watching a firework display. I cannot believe how evil some people have become. He had 3 children of his own who are definitely much better off without him. So sorry for all those involved in this massacre and condolences to all the bereaved - my heart goes out to them. We definitely need more good peaceful people in this world.

Bye for now All the best x

Wednesday 13 July 2016

And the Lucky Winner Is .............. and the Others

Wednesday today and the week has flown by. Managed to get some shopping in and visit Mel (my sister.) She has had a kidney removed due to cancer and has been told she can have a transplant next August, which is a long time away but at least they have a provisional date now. It has been 3 years since they removed the cancerous kidney and she is on dialysis. Daughter's boyfriend came for dinner and is staying over. They are going to the races tomorrow so I am having the toddler for the day, as OH will be at work. They sat down tonight and decided on a child minder so that's all settled now.

I really would like to tell the other 9 child minders exactly why they didn't get my granddaughter but obviously I couldn't do that as they would probably be very offended. But I could put it here and perhaps if you are a childminder reading this in your spare time it may help you. For a start the biggest concern was safety and a lot of the ladies we saw did not have any stair gates in place, or door jams to stop little fingers getting squashed. In fact, one lady had a short piece of cardboard placed at the bottom of the stairs and not secured - just placed!! A large glass vase of flowers looked lovely in the stone unguarded grate but imagine if a child fell on the grate and smashed it! The lady who was 'happy to have kids in the kitchen' when she cooks hot meals is asking for trouble. IMO no child under 4 years should be anywhere near a hot stove, or kettle. Some animals are not acceptable to my daughter as she is allergic to cats (seriously affects her breathing) and has major concerns about rabbits after what happened to the toddler. Small dogs are acceptable but one childminder had 2 shihtzus who snapped at the toddler when she grabbed them. No, she shouldn't have grabbed them but they should not be in the same room as the toddler. You really can not trust a 1yr old to do as they are told. Our dog goes in the kitchen unless closely supervised with Ava. Also, trying to 'bend the rules' and take 4 children under 5 instead of 3 (as is the law here in the UK) and walk 7 children on a school run (4 of them under 2 yrs ) is just plain silly and parents can see through this. One lady left a crawling baby alone in a room while she showed my daughter around the garden. No stair gate or anything in place for safety. Another left the front door wide open and the lounge door where my daughter was sitting. Ava ran straight past the childminder, out of the front door and onto the pavement by a main road. Thankfully daughter caught her just before she ran into the road. Daughter could not see the door from the lounge and did not know it was opened, so not a very safe place there.

So who was the lucky winner? The lady who has been looking after children most of her life and took 3 small toys out of Ava's mouth while still talking to us when we were visiting. She had lots of toys, a level garden, an assistant to help her and a very nice designated playroom. She also has stair gates at the bottom of the stairs and on the room doors. There were no ornaments in the playroom but lots of toys. I actually know her from when I was a child minder. I met her at a childminders' group, and she used to walk around observing the children sat at the table with their snacks. Very safety conscious and nice to the kids. She has a small dog but it is kept in another room. She would have been my choice but daughter chose her too after seeing 9 others. She is not a friend, but an ex colleague from quite a few years ago.

Bye for now All the best x

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Poorly this Weekend

Not a great start to the weekend as I woke Saturday morning with an upset stomach and pains! Settled down by lunch time so not too bad. Toddler had been in one of her moods so this didn't help. Thankfully daughter went shopping for me as I didn't want to go out, and just pottered around the house for the rest of the weekend as I felt really drained. Sister rang on Sunday and she had the bug too, although we hadn't seen each other for over a week, so it was obviously something going around. Eldest son, DIL and grandchildren visited briefly on Sunday afternoon but didn't stay long which to be honest I was glad about as I still felt unwell.

Monday my youngest son turned up and stayed the night which was nice. Daughter was visiting a few more childminders but still wasn't happy with them. Spent most of Monday just around the house again. Can't really take the dog out as she is having her first season so I don't want to risk her getting caught.

Tuesday me and daughter were off to visit yet another childminder, and daughter liked this one but I didn't. She happily told us about one child who climbed right to the top of her bookshelf (around 5ft high) and also how one little girl didn't say thank you so she didn't get a biscuit. And how she found out the kid was very shy. She sounded very harsh to me, and also works alone and takes 7 kids on the school run including 2 year olds and a baby of 1 year! Ava didn't like her either as she was so gushing to her it was so false. There was no stair gate either at this property. I don't know how they get away with it really as some childminders have really unsafe premises. Daughter saw another later in the afternoon which makes 10 in total lol. Decision day tomorrow.

Bye for now All the best.

Friday 8 July 2016

The Search Continues.

I've had quite a lazy day today and just pottered around the house, still fighting with the washing! I'm down to 2 loads left now so will soon be back on top of it again. Daughter cooked some fresh pasta ravioli which was very nice. She went to see another childminder this afternoon who I don't think she was impressed with, as the lady only had one baby there who she left alone while she showed daughter the garden!

This evening I went with her to see another childminder who collects children from their home as she lives in quite a rural location. The lady was lovely and the house was huge and very clean and tidy with lots of toys. The price was very cheap too. However, the childminder didn't have any stair gates just a low piece of board across the bottom of the staircase. Ava was straight over that no problem! The home had glass doors, a large glass vase of flowers in a low grate, no stair gates anywhere, a terraced garden with stone built raised flower beds, 2 dogs in a cage in the hallway, no door jams on any of the doors, and the childminder has the toddlers in the kitchen when she cooks! Although this was a lovely home with lots of space I would be very worried if my child went there as I see it as very unsafe for toddlers!  Also I have a niece who (years ago) was badly scalded with a cup of tea, needing skin grafts to her arm and chest so perhaps I am a bit overcautious idk. I don't think daughter will be using this childminder for the same reasons as she is very safety conscious  with Ava. To be honest Ava is very active and quite clever so would need good safety strategies in place and good supervision. A quieter child would perhaps be OK. I think she is seeing a few more tomorrow.

I must admit I was quite surprised at the lack of care at the above childminder's home. I can not understand why she is not at least putting stair gates up or door jams on the doors, and film over the glass door panes.  And as they are regulated by Ofsted why are they not picking up on this? Maybe the children are not as free as they seem to run from room to room and doors are closed when she is working.

All the best x

Thursday 7 July 2016

I'm Home

We arrived home on Wednesday after taking the slow route back and stopping off for a snack meal in Lynmouth. While we were packing up the older couple made us a nice cup of tea, which was lovely. May stay in contact with them when we get back - I expect we will find each other on Facebook! Daughter and toddler had gone to stay with the boyfriend for the night so it was a peaceful homecoming. Not too tidy at the house though, as piles of washing everywhere and my feet were sticking to the kitchen floor lol. Think daughter had been baking again.

Daughter arrived back Thursday with the toddler who was very pleased to see us. We set off to the groomers in the afternoon so the dog had a much needed bath after all the sand, sea water and mud she had been in for the last week. Daughter was off to visit Childminders for the toddler, for when she starts her new TA job in September. She has arranged to visit 12 childminders - yes 12!!!! The one she originally chose a few months ago is now fully booked. She did like one that she saw today but there was another toddler there who didn't get on with Ava (her little one) so that has put her off a bit. The other one she saw had a really immaculate house and didn't really talk to her much so she wasn't very impressed there. Think there was hardly any toys around too, so it didn't seem very good to her. I went with her to see the next one and I must admit I was very impressed. They had lots of toys and vast experience with toddlers and children. The only thing she didn't like there was the fact that they don't go walking in the rain and bad weather! I found this really quite strange as daughter takes the car everywhere and never walks in the good weather never mind when it rains lolol. Oh and they have up to 6 little ones at a time and after  school children. But the toddler will only be there mornings so no after school children would be around. These would be my choice as I liked the ladies very much. To be continues lolol.
Daughter got a 1st
Daughter's friends came tonight and Amy (my sister) called in so we had quite a full house. I think they were celebrating with her as the wine was flowing. Daughter got her results - at long last - from Uni, and she is graduating with a 1st Class Honours Degree which is brilliant news.

Dozens of cases of E.Coli detected in the South West linked to salad

E.Coli Outbreak in Bristol, B&NES, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset

I definitely need to go shopping soon as the fridge is quite low on food, although the freezers are almost full. There has been an outbreak of E.Coli in the area where I live and the public health have linked it to salad. This is really bad news for me as I love salad, but I won't be buying any until the source of the germ has been identified. Apparently, you can't just wash all salad items and it will be OK because the germ attaches to the cells in the veg and only cooking thoroughly kills it. Boiled lettuce anyone?
Bye for now All the best

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Caravan Life and Food at a Price!

Last night (Sunday) the people in the tent left the site which was good news for us as we won't hear them arguing anymore! Lots of tents have packed up and gone, and so have quite a few caravans this morning. Today (Monday) it has been raining and windy so apart from a trip to Woolacombe for lunch we have mostly stayed on the site. The wind has been quite strong and the awning shaking and swaying about but, so far, has remained upright lol. I don't mind the bad weather as I have everything I need here TV, heating, fridge, comfortable bed, radio, lots of clothes etc. so I'm nice and cosy in the caravan watching TV with OH. I could live in this caravan permanently and I think I would be very happy too! Actually, with husband No 1, we did live in a caravan for a year and managed quite nicely. It was a bit bigger than this one though. Think I need a hobby really - something to do when I am here. Could take up knitting, crochet, patchwork I suppose. Will give this some thought when I get home.

Tuesday today and the weather is sunny so we have been sitting in the sun and walking the dog around the dog field. Another older couple have pitched near us in their caravan and remember us from last time when we were here. They asked how the toddler was and if her finger had healed ok. I was pleased to tell them that it had and her nail has grown back. The man was old and had just had an operation so the lady was putting up the awning on her own, happily watched by a cute french bulldog! I made them a cup of tea and we got chatting, which was nice. We went to the onsite pub for a meal this afternoon. The prices are horrific for what you get e.g £6.20 for a plain cheese sandwich, almost £10 for a pizza. I had a jacket potato with cheese at over £6 in price, OH had ham, egg and chips at just under £10! Crazy prices for a pub but most of Devon is very expensive to eat out, and these prices are by no means the most expensive we have found locally.  Definitely no '2 meals for £10' specials around here!

It is our last day here today as we are off home tomorrow. Will write again when I get settled back at home. Bye for now All the best

PS to all of you in USA, France, Portugal, UK and anywhere else - Hope you are enjoying reading my blog, leave a comment and let me know xxx

Sunday 3 July 2016

The Beer Festival Behaviour Problems!

Well, we arrived here on Thursday afternoon so we are at the caravan for a week. It didn't go smoothly tbh as OH had a lot of trouble with the motor mover trying to get it to drive the caravan up onto a block! Even more of a problem was attaching a towing hook to the car to do it that way lol. I stayed out the way and sat in the car with the dog. An hour later I managed to get into the caravan and unpack. Had good internet access when I arrived so I was happily messaging my daughter. We went into town and did some food shopping as usual and then settled down for the night.

The next day was Friday and lots of people started arriving on site in various caravans and tents. Lots of dogs around and lots of kids. The internet had almost given up and went off completely by the afternoon. If anyone has ever been to North Devon you will know internet is, at best, very unreliable in the countryside. The groups started playing at 5 pm and I must admit they were good. The camp site had gone all out for this weekend with a stage for performers, hog roast selling beef, pork and chicken rolls, large beer tent (for OH lol,) bouncy castle, candy floss stall etc. etc. We took some folding chairs and got chatting to another couple there.

Saturday morning more people were arriving and the problems were evident! The gent's toilet and shower block had all toilets deliberately blocked with paper – every single toilet so not an accident! Even worse, OH said they had put down the toilet seats and urinated on them, and thrown toilet paper everywhere! Someone also set fire to the rubbish skip last night! The ladies toilet and shower block was clean, but you were confronted with children on scooters riding up and down in front of the toilets and showers, inside the block! Now, it wasn't raining and there are lots of safe little roads around the site where kids can, and do, ride bikes and scooters. People with disabilities use this site and I often see people who are using a walking stick. Imagine if a scooter rode into someone who couldn't move out of the way fast enough coming out of a shower or toilet. So, why are parents not bothering to stop their children from using the shower block with their scooters? And not just one child – there were several. It was very rowdy with lots of people drunk on their way back to their tents and caravans tonight – some singing loudly on their way! I do feel nervous around drunken people I must admit, so I just stayed in this evening with OH and the dog.

The dog is having a wonderful time here going to the beach every day with OH. She loves saying hello to all the other dogs on site. She has, unfortunately, come into season yesterday but I am not that bothered as we have laminate flooring in the caravan so any mess is easy to clean. Other dogs don't seem to have noticed either so all good so far. It is her first season at 9months old and she seems to be all OK about it.

It is Saturday night now and there has been virtually no internet access since Friday afternoon, apart from a few seconds here and there. I'm sending messages to daughter and she receives them several hours later; the same when she writes to me. There is no mobile phone signal in this field either but they do have phone boxes by the reception building. On the way here we drove through roads where there was no radio signal in the car and we were tuned to the local radio station!! I can live without a mobile phone or without internet access, but I do find it difficult to have no access to either. I am writing this offline as a word document and will copy it onto my blog when I get home, or before if we reconnect here. Can hear people arguing and swearing in the tent next door and, as it is 1 a.m. I feel sorry for those with kids who are trying to sleep. I guess you don't get peace and quiet at a beer and music festival on a camp site; it was a cheap weekend price, and so has attracted some of the wrong sort of people. The dog show weekend was so much nicer – just as busy but no noise or damage. Perhaps dog owners are more responsible and caring about others, I don't know.

We are leaving this site at the end of the summer season, and I am hoping to either look for a site near South Devon e.g. Salcombe or Plymouth, or near Bournemouth on the south coast. I did have a quick look around Bournemouth but some of the sites are no children, others no dogs in June and July, which wouldn't suit us at all. Wherever we go I will make sure I have either a mobile signal or internet. I have decided it is very important for me to be able to communicate with family while I am on holiday, and I feel very vulnerable without this. Here, to get a phone signal, you have to drive a mile to the main road which I find unacceptable. Infact it is one of my sister's birthday today and unless I leave the site I can't ring, text or message her, which is not too great. Others may feel they like to be un-contactable and enjoy not having a mobile phone or internet but it's not for me.

Bye for now All the best x

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Best Morning, Dog Not Happy Though!

Busy day today, and an earlyish start, as daughter's friend woke me ringing the doorbell at 9 am! Daughter was in the shower with the toddler (Ava) and was looking after her friend's toddler (Annie) while her friend had dental treatment. Well, what a difference to the usual morning chaos. Ava and Annie sat nicely, carefully eating their breakfast with a spoon; both had a drink from an open cup and nothing spilt or thrown on the floor!! playing nicely with balloons and toys with not a scream or temper tantrum in sight. It is my dream for every morning to be like this - quiet and peaceful lol. When her friend came back they all went to soft play together so I finally did the ironing, which I have been promising to do for a week or so now.

All washing and ironing done so I am ready to start packing to go to the caravan tomorrow. Not really my favourite thing to do, as like I have said previously I really want to leave the site because of the injury Ava had there from a rabbit. On a positive note, her finger has healed now and the nail has re-grown (doctors were not sure if it ever would.) Nobody knows if she will still have feeling in the top of the finger but that can't be assessed until she is older. She doesn't use it like her other fingers, but I think this could be because it was bandaged for such a long time (since 13th May) and she has learnt to manage without it. OH will probably start taking her swimming again on Sunday mornings now that all dressings are off.

Not a Happy Doggy lol

Finished all the packing and managed to bath the dog with great difficulty. We have a huge double jacuzzi bath which is great for us, but makes it very hard to hold a dog and shampoo it at the same time! Especially one that really wants to get out Now!!! I was soaking wet, as was the floor, bath mats, 3 towels and the dog lol. Usually the groomer baths her but she is on holiday this week, so there was no way we were taking her on holiday without a bath and spot on treatment. Have a pain in my right hip now, probably from leaning over the bath trying to stop the dog from jumping out or drowning lol.

Daughter came home at 9 pm as she had been to see her boyfriend's mum for her birthday, and take her some flowers. Her boyfriend's mum and dad are really nice to my daughter and the toddler. I am pleased they are, as Ava's dad and all his family want nothing to do with her, so she has another family to relate to now. Ava's birthday is next month and I really hope her real grandparents have a change of heart and send her a card and a present, but nothing came at Christmas so there is not much hope of that. Daughter even offered to pay for supervised access sessions for her violent ex to keep in contact with the toddler but he refused. And, even worse, his whole family gave her birthday cards for Ava at the family court, and then said that none of them ever wanted to see her again until she was an adult. Her father took everything he bought her for Christmas and some of her Christening gifts when he left here, and never gave any of it back, so I really don't think any of them will bother. Still, she doesn't know him or remember him (she was 4 months old when he left) or any of the relatives so there won't be any tears about it.

Bye for now All the best x

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Midnight Caller lol

Yesterday, Monday, was quite busy here as daughter's friend and her 2 kids came to visit for a few hours. Toddler liked having them to play with and the dog joined in with the fun - she does love kids. I cooked a nice roast lamb dinner with lots of veg. Toddler ate well and enjoyed her tea so she must be feeling better. Daughter went to work as usual and toddler went to be no problems. At midnight youngest son arrived for the night having been on a drinking session with his cousin and a few friends. Not unusual really as he has a key so stays here every now and again. We move the seating units around to make a bed so all good. Toddler started yelling at 12 am and again at 2 am which woke OH (I was just going off to sleep.) Didn't disturb youngest son though as he's a very heavy sleeper. We thought he was going to the caravan with us but he is off to Edinburgh for a 'stag do' with his friends at the weekend. Daughter is staying here as she has a 'meet the new class' day at her new school on Friday, so I guess it will just be me, OH and the dog. Oh tg for the peace lolol.

This morning, Tuesday, was chaotic really and very noisy. Toddler being her usual self, yelling as she wanted cake for breakfast and daughter was having none of it. Dog barking and whining as she didn't want to be shut in the kitchen and would have preferred to wait for toddler to drop something from her breakfast!! Usual morning here, but we ran out of milk and had the furniture to move back into a couch. Daughter left at around 11.30 am, as did son, so peace for most of the afternoon. Daughter took the little one to the zoo for the day. I finished all the washing so will be ready to pack tomorrow then I am off for a week in the caravan for the Beer Festival. Daughter cooked a nice tuna pasta bake for tea before going off to work so I didn't have to bother which was great.

The news is still depressing me, and although I really do not know very much about Jeremy I really do not think much of the politicians who are trying to get rid of him. They are in his party so should be helpful and supportive not sly and devious. Do think they will loose a lot of votes by behaving like this as it seems very nasty. Actually, I am not a Labour supporter anyway but really do not agree with what this party are doing to their elected leader.

Also, I was very sad to read that Turkey's airport has been targeted by terrorists tonight, and 31 people have died, with many injured. So sad for those involved - someone tell me what exactly they hoped to gain by doing such an evil thing to ordinary people working or going on holiday? My thoughts are with all the relatives and injured people.

Bye for now All the best x