Wednesday 29 June 2016

Best Morning, Dog Not Happy Though!

Busy day today, and an earlyish start, as daughter's friend woke me ringing the doorbell at 9 am! Daughter was in the shower with the toddler (Ava) and was looking after her friend's toddler (Annie) while her friend had dental treatment. Well, what a difference to the usual morning chaos. Ava and Annie sat nicely, carefully eating their breakfast with a spoon; both had a drink from an open cup and nothing spilt or thrown on the floor!! playing nicely with balloons and toys with not a scream or temper tantrum in sight. It is my dream for every morning to be like this - quiet and peaceful lol. When her friend came back they all went to soft play together so I finally did the ironing, which I have been promising to do for a week or so now.

All washing and ironing done so I am ready to start packing to go to the caravan tomorrow. Not really my favourite thing to do, as like I have said previously I really want to leave the site because of the injury Ava had there from a rabbit. On a positive note, her finger has healed now and the nail has re-grown (doctors were not sure if it ever would.) Nobody knows if she will still have feeling in the top of the finger but that can't be assessed until she is older. She doesn't use it like her other fingers, but I think this could be because it was bandaged for such a long time (since 13th May) and she has learnt to manage without it. OH will probably start taking her swimming again on Sunday mornings now that all dressings are off.

Not a Happy Doggy lol

Finished all the packing and managed to bath the dog with great difficulty. We have a huge double jacuzzi bath which is great for us, but makes it very hard to hold a dog and shampoo it at the same time! Especially one that really wants to get out Now!!! I was soaking wet, as was the floor, bath mats, 3 towels and the dog lol. Usually the groomer baths her but she is on holiday this week, so there was no way we were taking her on holiday without a bath and spot on treatment. Have a pain in my right hip now, probably from leaning over the bath trying to stop the dog from jumping out or drowning lol.

Daughter came home at 9 pm as she had been to see her boyfriend's mum for her birthday, and take her some flowers. Her boyfriend's mum and dad are really nice to my daughter and the toddler. I am pleased they are, as Ava's dad and all his family want nothing to do with her, so she has another family to relate to now. Ava's birthday is next month and I really hope her real grandparents have a change of heart and send her a card and a present, but nothing came at Christmas so there is not much hope of that. Daughter even offered to pay for supervised access sessions for her violent ex to keep in contact with the toddler but he refused. And, even worse, his whole family gave her birthday cards for Ava at the family court, and then said that none of them ever wanted to see her again until she was an adult. Her father took everything he bought her for Christmas and some of her Christening gifts when he left here, and never gave any of it back, so I really don't think any of them will bother. Still, she doesn't know him or remember him (she was 4 months old when he left) or any of the relatives so there won't be any tears about it.

Bye for now All the best x

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Midnight Caller lol

Yesterday, Monday, was quite busy here as daughter's friend and her 2 kids came to visit for a few hours. Toddler liked having them to play with and the dog joined in with the fun - she does love kids. I cooked a nice roast lamb dinner with lots of veg. Toddler ate well and enjoyed her tea so she must be feeling better. Daughter went to work as usual and toddler went to be no problems. At midnight youngest son arrived for the night having been on a drinking session with his cousin and a few friends. Not unusual really as he has a key so stays here every now and again. We move the seating units around to make a bed so all good. Toddler started yelling at 12 am and again at 2 am which woke OH (I was just going off to sleep.) Didn't disturb youngest son though as he's a very heavy sleeper. We thought he was going to the caravan with us but he is off to Edinburgh for a 'stag do' with his friends at the weekend. Daughter is staying here as she has a 'meet the new class' day at her new school on Friday, so I guess it will just be me, OH and the dog. Oh tg for the peace lolol.

This morning, Tuesday, was chaotic really and very noisy. Toddler being her usual self, yelling as she wanted cake for breakfast and daughter was having none of it. Dog barking and whining as she didn't want to be shut in the kitchen and would have preferred to wait for toddler to drop something from her breakfast!! Usual morning here, but we ran out of milk and had the furniture to move back into a couch. Daughter left at around 11.30 am, as did son, so peace for most of the afternoon. Daughter took the little one to the zoo for the day. I finished all the washing so will be ready to pack tomorrow then I am off for a week in the caravan for the Beer Festival. Daughter cooked a nice tuna pasta bake for tea before going off to work so I didn't have to bother which was great.

The news is still depressing me, and although I really do not know very much about Jeremy I really do not think much of the politicians who are trying to get rid of him. They are in his party so should be helpful and supportive not sly and devious. Do think they will loose a lot of votes by behaving like this as it seems very nasty. Actually, I am not a Labour supporter anyway but really do not agree with what this party are doing to their elected leader.

Also, I was very sad to read that Turkey's airport has been targeted by terrorists tonight, and 31 people have died, with many injured. So sad for those involved - someone tell me what exactly they hoped to gain by doing such an evil thing to ordinary people working or going on holiday? My thoughts are with all the relatives and injured people.

Bye for now All the best x

Sunday 26 June 2016

Whooping Cough, Scotland and MPs

It's Sunday again so we had the toddler for the day. OH took her to a local kids farm to feed the ducks as we have quite a few stale rolls left from the barbecue. She slept an hour and a half after a small lunch. Definitely not well, and has a very bad cold so not eating very much at all. Daughter is still poorly with this, as is OH.

 Or to Diagnose lolol

My niece has been quite ill with whooping cough recently so I hope it doesn't turn into that, as apparently it starts with a cold. Didn't realise that the vaccine was nothing like 100% either, it is only 65 - 70% effective, and you can still catch whooping cough if you have had it as a child. Niece saw 5 doctors who gave various diagnosis such as a virus, chest infection, asthma, hay fever - yes I kid you not!! And it has cost her almost £50 in prescription charges for items that were no use whatsoever, such as inhalers and antihistamine tablets!  The hospital A & E department got it right first time when she went there in desperation, and after testing it came up positive. It is a notifiable disease, so niece has had a letter from public health,  and her family have all been tested for it and are waiting for the results. The pregnant doctor, who told her it was asthma, has had a letter too, as it can affect the baby. Must say though the doctors in that particular surgery have always given me the best treatment for every illness that I have had. I guess they cannot get it right every time as none of us are infallible.

Hearing more and more rubbish on the news about the Brexit vote. Scotland has decided that they have the power to overturn the OUT vote! Hang on a minute, I don't think they are that powerful to destroy or overturn the majority of the British people's decision! They didn't even want independence from the UK a while back!  Whichever way you voted, it surely can't be right for one area to decide they have this power - I really think they have a cheek to even suggest it! Also why has the Labour party decided that this is the best time to all resign, well I think 12 of them have left today! You know I am wondering if it is because they will have an awful lot of work to do now re-writing laws and negotiating trade deals etc. with the EU. I think it's called deserting the ship (was going to say 'sinking ship' but I don't think this will be the case.) To me, it has highlighted who will soldier on and help in a crisis, and who wanted an easy ride and did a runner. We shall see how it all goes. Hopefully soon, the news will at least be back to normal - well as normal as it ever was lol.

Thanks for reading - feel free to comment if you want All the best x

Saturday 25 June 2016

Bag Search, Doctors, and the News

It's Saturday and we have had a quiet day as daughter and toddler went out to lunch with her brother and Sister-in-law. After doing the supermarket run daughter and toddler came in and went out again to a birthday party meal with her boyfriend and his friends. Toddler was crying a lot when she left which is very very unusual as she normally just waves goodbye and is happy with us. She still has a bad cold so perhaps that's why. OH has caught it and so has daughter so 3 sick here and hoping I am not going to catch it lol. Daughter is out for the night and then off to work in the morning for the day. Her new job will be 5 mornings a week starting in September, so a childminder will do 3 mornings and me the other 2. I hope she gives up the Sunday shift from this job, as then we can go away for weekends without leaving her in chaos for childcare.

Talking about going out, the other night when we went to the opera I had my bag searched on the door by a security guard! I opened my bag and he shone a torch in it and had a quick look in all the compartments. I have been to the opera several times but not had this before. However, this was the norm when I was a teenager going to the local discos in Bristol, where I was working at the time. But, those were the days when the IRA was active, and Bristol did get bombed by them in Park Street if I remember rightly. This is the first time I have had my bag searched since then, so it seemed a bit unusual to me. Perhaps this is still happening in your towns or maybe in the clubs (which I don't frequent anymore.)

Called in to see Amy tonight for an hour as she rang me at 11 pm last night and said she felt ill. I think she may have an abscess as she has swollen glands and bad toothache. Says she feels floating and very tired. She did manage to get an emergency doctor's appointment for 11.45 pm tonight so hopefully she will get it sorted out. She phoned them at 7.30 pm and the doctor did ring her half an hour later. A doctor's appointment at almost midnight is a sign of the times we live in now. I can remember when doctors did house visits if you were really ill at night, and how Dr Roberts came to see me every day when I had measles as a child. He would always have a cup of tea with my gran. Then your doctor was a family friend - now you are lucky if you see the same one twice and home visits are virtually unheard of even for sick babies and children. How does the song go 'Miss Polly had a dolly' - Umm 'The doctor came with his cap and his bag and knocked on the door....'
It definitely doesn't say ' You can have an appointment in 4 - 8 hours time at a local deputising centre usually attached to a hospital. This may even be several miles from where you live. So wrap up baby and kids who are really ill and off you go in the car, taxi or bus, and catch whatever everyone else has in the waiting room while you are there!!!

OK, so we are now officially going to exit the EU. Everybody knows this now, so why is it constantly on the TV news, and on line news? Really fed up with seeing it over and over again. It's boring and repetitive, and surely something else is happening in the country that is worth broadcasting? Life in general and crime cannot have all come to a standstill just because of Brexit! I do hope they are not going to waffle on for the next 2 years or so about this, as that is how long they say it will take to sort everything out.
Bye for now All the best x

Friday 24 June 2016

Nightshift Lol

Where's the Scissors lol?

Oh I so should not have stayed up all night watching the Brexit results! It was such a low majority vote through the night that I think I was just waiting for a larger majority on either side so I could go to bed!!! They actually said it was a definite result on ITN at around 4.35 am, and so off I went to bed at almost 5 am!!  Deep regrets today, not at the results, oh no, but at the fact that I have actually more or less lost the whole day. And I feel quite rough - a bit like a hangover - sort of floating lol. I was only asleep for an hour when I had a major coughing fit and had to take my inhaler which stops it. Only take it about 4 times a year as I don't usually need it. Then the toddler woke crying at 6.45 am. Daughter informed me that we were OUT and David Cameron had resigned at 9 am - then I fell asleep until 10.30 am. Not a great night whatever way you look at it lol.

 She Got the Job!

Daughter went for her interview today for a new part-time job, so I looked after the toddler for her. All went well and as toddler was awake very early she slept for 2 hours after lunch. Youngest son called in for a chat as his car was having it's MOT in a garage near our home. When daughter came back I decided to go for another nap. I couldn't have been asleep for more than 10 minutes when I heard stamping and shouting and 'Whoop Whoop' downstairs - Yes, she got the job! Just going off to sleep again when I heard them go out, so I decided to have a drink and then try again. I did manage to sleep for an hour but think I actually feel worse for it.

Cannot believe what I am reading online from the press sites! Seriously, one says London should band with Scotland and become an Independent country called Scotlon! Another calls for a second referendum! Advise is being given that if you have an Irish mother or father you can get an Irish passport! So many knee jerk reactions going on, but really I think life will continue as usual with politicians still telling just as many lies! If you think about it logically a lot of EU countries depend on us for trade and tourism so I doubt very much that they will all cut us off completely. To be continued ....................................

Time to finish now as I am having an early night for a change! All the best x

The Vote

Hope You All Voted!!

So voting day has arrived at last and however you voted I am really doubtful if it will really make very much difference to the ordinary working people of this country. If we leave then a lot of business owners may face financial difficulties, as they will have to pay over the minimum wage eventually. Hospitals and schools will not suddenly empty of children, staff and patients and there will still be waiting lists and staff shortages. As I am writing the leave campaign has a 1% majority but who knows how it will end up. My youngest son called in to collect his voting card and check where he was going to vote. Actually all my family have voted today. Could not believe that 33 people in one county put a cross in both boxes - in and out! Some people really think this is a joke but they should remember that at least in this country you can vote freely without pressure or fear - it is not like this in a lot of countries so we are fortunate here. Don't think I will be staying up all night to see the result, as I have to look after the toddler tomorrow afternoon. Daughter has an interview for a job at a school. We were supposed to be babysitting tonight too, but daughter has caught the toddler's cold and didn't feel like going out.

Scruffy Who Was My Very Best Friend

OH and me took the car to the poll station and then went to the park with the dog. I had already walked there today and given the dog a short walk. I am trying to walk a bit more each day as I need to exercise to keep fit. I'm not too good on hills due to my lungs not working at full capacity but on flat ground I can go quite far. It's lovely to see her run after a ball - she is so fast and full of energy at 9 months old. My last dog could outrun a bike on the cycle path when he was younger. He lived to 17 years even though he had a heart murmur. Still miss him as he was my best friend.

Glastonbury Mud Is Not For Me

Talking of friends I have heard from 3 in the last week. Two want me to go to lunch with them and the other would love me to visit her in her new home. The thing is she has moved to an hours drive away near Glastonbury which is waterlogged if you see the reports on the news! So I think I need to schedule this for when the festival is over and the floods have subsided. I have always wanted to go to the festival but being realistic I doubt very much if I could survive the mud and mess. I like to be clean and tidy(ish) and definitely not almost knee deep in muddy water! Also, I can not sleep in a tent - I just can't get comfortable. It would be very expensive to take a caravan there, even if you could get tickets, so I shall just watch it on TV in the comfort of my own home again lol.
Bye for now off to watch the election results - still only 1% for leave majority @ 1.15 am. lol
All the best x

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Barbecue and Opera


Well the barbecue went really well yesterday, even the dog was well behaved lol. We ended up with 20 people here altogether including all the kids. That was plenty for me as I have to clear up although in all fairness daughter's boyfriend had a good tidy around first bless him! One of my sisters came, Mel and her OH but the other 2 didn't make it and neither did my eldest son and DIL. It was midweek in all fairness so he was working late. Youngest son stayed the night which was good. All the toddlers played nicely together so Ava had company which she loves. One of my nieces came with her new boyfriend and his 9yr old who was very well behaved. Her new boyfriend was not very popular as some thought he was a bit forward and coarse - if you know what I mean. First time he had ever been here or met us and it was straight in, opened the fridge in the kitchen and then saying he wanted a pint glass for his drink on arrival!!! It's OK to do this here if you know me and have visited before a few times. I'm quite laid back and relaxed about visitors popping in when they want and just putting the kettle on but first time ever in our home - no I don't think so!! Drinks and glasses were all in the bar and food was on the table in the dining room so no need to try and raid the fridge on arrival really! Didn't like the way he spoke to my niece either - I know he was only joking but calling her a fat cow in front of people that he doesn't know is not very good. He was very polite to me though. Can't see this relationship lasting long but we will see.

Anyway OH fell asleep on the garden swinging bench but we managed to get him up to bed lol. Next party will not be until  Halloween, apart from daughter and toddler's birthdays. We always celebrate Solstice with a barbecue, and have a Halloween party here in fancy dress.

Today, Wednesday, I spent the day at home apart from nipping to the doctors to pick up a prescription for eye ointment. I have HSV on the eyelids of my eyes which is a recurring problem so as soon as it starts I get the ointment. HSV is the cold sore virus so needs treating with antiviral ointment. This evening we went to the Opera to see the Mikado as OH gets free tickets from work in return for writing a press review.  So I have to write a short review tomorrow and email it to his office. I did like the show and thought the leading lady was excellent and had a lovely voice. Didn't really think the leading man had a strong enough voice for the part really, but I will leave that out lol. The costumes were very pretty and mixed in culture with some Japanese ie Kimonos and others country style dresses! It was a modern adaption of the original Gilbert and Sullivan opera. They gave us a free drink in the interval too.

Daughter's 2 friends looked after the toddler for the night as she had to work. She swapped her Tuesday night shift for tonight, so she could come to the barbecue yesterday. I think they got on quite well as toddler was asleep when we got in around 10.30pm.
Bye for now All the best x

Monday 20 June 2016

Father's Day Weekend

Well the weekend went well - daughter went to an amateur boxing match Saturday night as her friend from work was fighting. Turned in around 1.45am, after going clubbing, quite inebriated and saying she was too old to go clubbing now at 23 lol. Amy (my sister) popped in for an hour for a chat and picked up Rhondda's puppy bed that she has outgrown now. Amy does car boot sales so she will probably sell it there. She keeps saying she wants another dog but don't think she will actually get one anytime soon.

Green Singing Finches

Sunday was Father's Day and the kids all planned a nice surprise for OH. The 3 of them have clubbed together to buy him 2 pairs of birds, Green Singing Finches and Bengalese Finches. The Green Singing Finches are really difficult to get hold of as they are quite rare, and very expensive! Daughter purchased 2 of them, but has to wait for the hen to come from France in 4 weeks time. She has been trying to locate some for several months.  Eldest son and DIL visited with the kids, then after they left youngest son arrived. Daughter brought the birds in when she finished work and our youngest son stayed to tea. Nice day all round really as toddler had company with her cousins here to play with.

It was another quiet day today, Monday, apart from daughter's boyfriend and his friend calling in this morning. Toddler has a bad cold but seems OK in herself. OH was home early today and helped with the toddler as daughter worked. He went off to the cinema with his free ticket that he was given at work so I had a nice chat with my sister Jane - lucky I have lots of minutes on the phone lol. Have a busy few days now. Tomorrow we are having a barbecue to celebrate Summer Solstice. We are not Pagan but OH always celebrates Midsummer's Day with a bit of a party for family and friends. We are starting around 3pm and then it will just go on until everyone goes home. Daughter has the night off - she swapped Tuesday's shift for a shift on Wednesday.  We are off to the opera on Wednesday night, so her 2 friends are babysitting for her. Then the big day for voting in the EU Referendum is on Thursday, and I'm going to try to stay up all night to see the results!!
My Next Job lol

Bit disappointed that I can't get Rhondda in to the groomers next week or this week as she is fully booked, and then going away for a week! Will probably bath her myself if we get a nice day next week. Really wanted her clean and cut short as we are going away to the caravan again for the Beer Festival. Not really my scene but OH will love it, and I think youngest son is coming for a few days too.
Bye for now All the best x

Friday 17 June 2016

Lazy Day

Nice day today with daughter and toddler returning mid-morning and out again at midday! She's off to meet her cousin and toddler for soft play, who is the same age as Ava (daughter's toddler.) So glad they have paired up together, as they didn't see much of each other in the past. Great for Ava too as she has someone the same age to play with.  Daughter is collecting her car late afternoon so is in a happy mood. She asked me if I was excited about it and didn't I think it was cool?!?!? I did reply that I hoped it would be cool as it has air con lolol. So I have had a nice peaceful day so far but not very productive as I had another late night last night. Back on track with plan A tonight, and an earlier bedtime methinks. At least I didn't have to cook tonight as there is lasagna left from yesterday in the fridge and a lovely strawberry trifle. OH came home and cooked tea anyway so I didn't have to worry. Nice lazy day all round really! More days like this please lol.

Air Con is the Answer lol.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 16 June 2016

Night Out and Productive Day at Home

Well yesterday (Wednesday) went well, managed to do the shopping, spent time with sister (Amy) and her daughter in the day. In the evening OH and I went out for a nice meal. Our first choice was a Meze restaurant but they were fully booked so we went into town. Had a great meal but it was rather expensive compared to where we usually eat. I guess you get what you pay for - well sometimes anyway. We would definitely go back there again as the food and service were both really great. Returned home and daughter had cleared up after her Monopoly night, and gone to bed early so all good there. Tried going to bed early myself again (1am ) but had a very disturbed night getting off to sleep and then awake coughing so not a great success. Last night was much better as I slept really well.
Reminds me of Someone lol

Today (Thursday) I had planned to visit a new coffee bar that has opened locally with daughter but she went to the cinema with the toddler and then to soft play and French class. She forgot all about it and so I think we are going tomorrow. Apparently they have a children's play area there and it's near a local park too. Anyway, all was not lost as I finally managed to spend 2 hours sorting the mountain of junk and paperwork in the corner of my bedroom. I think it has been there for around 2 years, as it was dumped in a rush when youngest son moved home after parting with his ex girlfriend. Our 'office' in the box room only lasted 6 months and then became his bedroom again! Gave the corner a major vacuum as the dust was thick underneath. Unfortunately, (as I have a dust allergy) I had a really bad coughing fit  with eyes streaming, so had to stand out on the balcony in the fresh air for a while. I am fine if it's dusty and settled but once I disturb the dust I react quite badly. All ended well and I feel very pleased that at last I have managed to attempt sorting out the paperwork. Another 2 briefcases full to go lol.

Daughter and toddler are spending the night at the boyfriend's home so we have the house to ourselves tonight. Cooked a lasagna for supper and Amy visited with some summer tops for me. She buys and sells clothes in her spare time, and these are lovely for the summer @ £2 each, so I bought 4 from her. If I ever finish the paperwork I will have a project on the bedroom next, sorting out all the clothes I never wear!  I'm planning to do an hour every day until it is all sorted. I'm sure that I read somewhere that 95% of all paperwork we keep we never look at again, so I am being quite ruthless with what I throw away.
Bye for now All the best x

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Cupcakes, Crazy Dog and Insomnia

Today I felt really tired so had a quiet day at home with daughter and the toddler. OH came home quite early (around 5 pm) and son called in again as he had the day off. Daughter has been busy making cupcakes with the toddler for her Monopoly party tomorrow night. She wants me to go out while she entertains her boyfriend and some of their friends here. Would be nice to go out for a meal and a few drinks with OH, so I'm happy about this.

Daughter's Pretty Cupcakes

The dog is causing problems and I'm not sure what to do about it. Basically she is eating anything she can get hold of and it is making her sick every day. So far I have caught her eating grass, plant stems, leaves, flowers, mud, gravel stones, snails, bits of plastic and paper, cardboard, screws, a piece of render from the back wall, the list goes on .............  The trouble is she then vomits within half an hour of eating this and sometimes it is 2 or 3 times a day. Most of the time I can take it out of her mouth but not always  On the dog food front she won't eat very much at all, just dog biscuits and OUR FOOD. Wish we had never started giving her this as now! She waits until 11 pm at night before she will eat her dried food and needs persuading and hand feeding to encourage her. She will eat some of the small 'Gourmet' dog food but not always. I know she is not ill as I have kept her on a lead all day one day, and there was no sickness at all. Why not - she couldn't eat any foreign objects. I suppose I just have to hope she grows out of it, but will mention it to the vet on her next routine visit. Difficult dogs these cockapoos lol.

Perhaps I need a Teddy lol

Tonight I am going to try once again to go to bed earlier. My 2 am bedtime is leaving me feeling very drained and tired the next day, even though I am getting up quite late i.e. 9.30 - 10.00am. The problem is me being woken up by the toddler much earlier, and then not really getting back to sleep. I'm aiming for 1am tonight, and then hopefully will move bedtime back slowly towards midnight over the next few weeks. Have tried this several times over the past few years but with limited success. The late nights started when I worked in a Residential Care Unit for teenagers with problems, as after 11pm it was always very busy there until 2 or 3 am. This has meant my biological clock got used to being awake into the early hours over the 8+ years I worked there. Now, I don't feel actually tired until around 2 or 3 am anymore. At this late bedtime I fall asleep very easily, but if I go to bed earlier then I am usually awake for hours.

Bye for now All the best x

Monday Blues and Orlando

Sunday I was up early as we look after the toddler for the day while daughter works. OH was home so I could take it slowly getting up - he was busy cooking toddler a nice breakfast; bacon, eggs, etc.
Most of the day went very well with toddler playing and she had a nice nap for 2 hours after lunch. The boyfriend came for dinner and stayed the night. OH has been busy sorting out the 2 bird cages in the garden. He built them from wood about 2 years ago and then didn't get any birds! There is an aviary attached to them. I have heard that our kids are getting him some finches for Father's Day. Will put some pictures on if we do get any.

Yep Again!!!

Monday Monday oh what a day! Started off well as daughter and toddler went out to pick up my son and they were going together to see daughter's new car. They came in at 11am and daughter asks me yet again to look after toddler for an hour and a half while she goes for a test drive. She put toddler to bed at 12 for a nap, and within 5 minutes of her leaving the toddler was having none of it so I had to get her up. Toddler was in bed with her shoes on lol. After lunch we tried again and she did sleep for an hour. Daughter was out for nearly 4 hours at the car dealer, which I really was not happy about, but she has bought the car. OH came home early so there was time for me to walk the dog, pick up a puzzle for the toddler and visit my sister Mel and her husband. Mel has kidney failure and her OH is still not well. They invited me to stay for dinner, which was lovely to have a break away from the house. I came home around 9.30 pm and had a nice quiet evening as OH had put the toddler to bed. Feel so much better to get out of the house, definitely going out tomorrow again, even if it is only to the shops. Have forgotten to ring my friend and arrange a lunch out this week,  but hey tomorrow is another day!

RIP so sad to hear this

So sad to see on the news about the shooting in Orlando Florida. This world really has some crazy people in it. People who are different from the 'norm' (whatever the norm is) should be able to enjoy life just the same as anyone else. Homophobia really has no place in today's society, and to kill people just because they love people of the same sex is crazy. How they can call this religion I don't know. I call it mass murder. A few years back if your kids went out clubbing or to a gig your main worry would be that they would take drugs or have their drinks spiked. With what has happened in France, and now in America you start to wonder if they will come home OK. I do feel it is only a matter of time before England is subjected to the same level of terrorism. It is quite frightening really to think that there are people in this world that are this evil and wicked living amongst us all. RIP all those who died, and condolences to all the families affected in this terrible tragedy.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Babysitting and Housing Problems

It's Saturday and an early start this morning with the dog doing it's best to squeeze under the stair gate at the top of the stairs, and making one huge racket while doing so!! We have several stair gates here; one at the bottom of the stairs, one at the top of the stairs, one on the toddler's bedroom door, and one on the kitchen doorway. Think daughter is OTT on health and safety at home lol. The boyfriend called in for 15 mins. then left again. Daughter was hoping he would go with her to look at a car she wants to buy, but the rugby took priority lol. We did go to an open day charity fete at a local city farm which was really good for the toddler with lots to see and do. I think the bouncy castle was the favourite. Back home I looked after toddler while daughter went off to test drive the car. She slept while I cleaned up the kitchen and put the house back together after being out all day. Lucky with the weather as it didn't rain until we came home from the fete.

OH went to work today which was not what we planned. He has 3 staff off at the moment so that just leaves himself and the apprentice to do the work. One is on holiday and the other 2 are off sick. Really hope he is home tomorrow when we have the toddler, as I do find it hard to go shopping with her on my own. It is doable but not easy! Babysitting again this evening as daughter and OH went out to the cinema. It was all good though as she went to bed before they left and slept straight away. My sister Amy called in for a coffee and a catch up as I haven't seen her for ages. Her daughters and granddaughter all have this throat and cough virus that my daughter has too.
 Need this sign lol

OH and daughter came home early from the cinema but it wasn't a great evening afterwards. Me and the daughter had another of our many arguments. The main problem is we have very different ideas on childcare and I am a very outspoken person I'm afraid. Also, the amount of times she expects me to look after the toddler is really getting me down. I do love them both but never planned to live with little children after I finished childminding and retired, so it is unfortunate that this is the situation we are in now. Daughter can't afford her own place until she qualifies as a teacher. This will be in a few years time so meanwhile we are both stuck here in an impossible situation. Naturally, she wants to do things her way and this really clashes with my ways and experiences of working with children.

Sadly there are too many families in this situation

I expect a lot of parents are in the same situation with adult children still living at home, due to the very high cost of housing (both buying and renting.) This is well beyond the means of most single people, and the Local Authority housing is very oversubscribed with long waiting lists. One of my nieces has recently been forced to give up the home she rented as the rent was £850 per month. After she split with her partner there was no way that she could afford this amount, and Housing Benefit would only contribute £600 maximum. She has moved in with her mum, mum's partner and an adult sister. They only have 2 bedrooms, so she is sharing a bedroom with her adult sister and her 2 children. They are overcrowded, but the Local Authority is not in any hurry to find her alternative accommodation; they are just on a waiting list.
Bye for now All the best x

Friday 10 June 2016

Friends, Disability and BREXIT

Well another old friend contacted me today and it was lovely to hear from her. I used to do relief carer/PA work for her when I was self employed a few years ago, and we became quite good friends when she found permanent staff. One of my sisters worked for her too and also my brother-in-law helped her out when she was stuck for staff. We are going to meet for lunch some time next week for a good catch up.

While I'm on the subject of disability I must say that some disabled people (like the general population as a whole) are physically disabled but not mentally disabled as well. My friend has now obtained a PHD and so is now a doctor of Social Work. As she is in a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy many people talk to the PA and not the person in the chair. This can often be a huge mistake which can cause offence to the person, and to my way of thinking is very rude. People should never underestimate the intellect of the disabled person, and also never presume they are all on benefits. During my time as a relief carer/PA I have worked with an actress, an artist, a property developer, a qualified dance teacher, 3 Social Workers, an antiques dealer and a successful eBay business owner. Some were self employed and others in full time employment. The bottom line here is never presume that disability means nonproductive and no intelligence - this is quite often very far from reality.

Today was not the best day as toddler has caught her mum's throat infection and is extremely bad tempered about it. Daughter has the virus and her voice is still not right. They both went to the GP today but it was the same old - same old  'It's a Virus.'  Thinking about it daughter is very bad tempered too so perhaps toddler takes after her mum lol. We did go together to see the trains at a local station, and then to soft play which seemed to pacify the little one for a while.

Now I am reading on the Internet about how the Vote for the EU (in or out) is causing lots of stress in many families, with some friends and family members even resorting to physical violence. In our family, i.e. myself and OH, my daughter, 2 sons and daughter-in-law we have - 4 voting OUT, 1 voting IN and 1 undecided atm. We have talked about why we are voting this way, what we think will be best for the country, sent each other links to BREXIT propaganda but that is as far as it has gone. Perhaps our family is very civilised, I don't know. However, I do know that physical violence and trying to force people though bullying and fear will never change anything in the long term. And, people who are hitting others, and ostracising friends and family members they don't agree with are just beneath contempt in my opinion. We are lucky in this country as we have the right to a free vote, which is not the case in several other countries. So let's all respect that and agree to disagree on the BREXIT vote.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 9 June 2016

Friends Reappearing and Guests for Tea

The last few days have been really hot so I haven't really done very much at all at home except the basic cleaning i.e what I could not get away with lol. On Wednesday OH had the day off work as his car had to go to the garage for an additive to be put in for the emissions. It was a new car 6 months ago so can't really understand why. We spent the day at a shopping centre about 6 miles from where we live, which was nice to look around somewhere different. Very impressed with the £1 shops there and also the fruit market in the centre which was very cheap compared to where I shop (even Lidl!) OH got himself an upgraded phone which is great as the one he had was so cheap and nasty that it was really hard to use. He has the same make as me now so I can help him if he gets stuck lol. Well at least with the hot weather all the washing is dry, but to be honest I am not very good in the heat. I have to rest up in the cool as I suffer from heat exhaustion quite badly and feel dizzy with it.

Umm This is Not My Lawn Yet lol

Our garden looks really great now as the grass has grown back and the flowers are out that we planted. It was just mud and bald patches last winter so OH got a lawn expert in to sort it out. At the time I thought it was a total waste of money but I must saw whatever he sprayed it with has really worked very well so he was worth it. He charged £47 a visit and only came twice, and we have a lawn. Apparently he visits 4 times a year to treat the lawn which is not too bad. The toddler had her tent and tunnel out and was playing happily outside. The dog, on the other hand, has made it her mission in life to eat the grass and as a consequence is sick twice a day. In view of this I have to take her in the garden on a lead which is not ideal but solves the problem. Crazy cockapoo lol.

Guests for dinner lol

Today, Thursday my sister and brother-in-law visited and stayed for tea which was nice to have company. Brother-in-law is feeling a bit better but still having tests done. Daughter and toddler went out for the afternoon, and OH was late home as he curbed the wheel on his car and put a hole in the tyre! Daughter has had a throat infection and cough for the last few days and has almost lost her voice. Really hope I don't catch it as I have COPD and will end up back on antibiotics.

Heard from a girl we fostered years ago this week - facebook is a wonderful thing lol. She found us on there and wrote to say hello which was really nice. Daughter was only 4 years old when she stayed with us for a week or two. To be absolutely honest here I don't remember her but her name is familiar and I can remember her staying for a short while as her mum was ill and she was her carer. We fostered for years and had so many different kids that sadly I can not remember them all. The ones I do remember were the kids that stayed a few months or the ones that were really difficult and had a lot of problems. Sad but truthful, but I won't tell her that as it might upset her. Have also heard back from an old friend asking me to visit her at her new home. That sounds nice so when it cools down a bit I shall be off visiting. I think I spend far too much time at home and there is a big wide world out there.
Bye for now All the best x

Monday 6 June 2016

Our First Dog Show

Well the weekend holiday went very well and I did enjoy it. It was a dogs weekend with a dog show and dog displays - there must have been well over 200 dogs on the site for the weekend. I'm a dog lover so for me it was the best, saw every different breed even some I had never heard of. We took Rhondda in the 'prettiest bitch' class and the 'dog the judge would most like to take home' but she didn't win! With 66 entries in the class it was hardly surprising lol. I loved watching the agility, and where the lurchers chase a lure around the field. We could have a go at the agility course for £1 and Rhondda loved it and did well at the jumps. They took the high one down and also removed the see-saw for the public, so it made it really safe. She was off like a ferret chasing after the lure and even tried to jump the fence to have another go when other dogs were trying it lol. All the profits went to a dog rescue which was really good and at £1 for entry into the classes and only £1 to have a go at things after I thought it was really good value.

Now although I really had a great weekend with OH and the dog I have sadly taken the decision to leave this site permanently. The site is lovely (we have been there for 4 years) and we store our van there. The toilets and showers are spotless, with lots of hot water, there is a swimming pool, bars, kids play areas, soft play indoors, crazy golf, horse riding, caravan repair place, chip shop, on site shop, kennel for the dog if you go off for the day, lovely helpful staff - in fact everything you could wish for. But my granddaughter is probably going to loose all feeling in the top of her finger, and permanently loose her nail from the Petorama animal petting place that is on the site. And I cannot walk past it without remembering this. The cages have wide wire mesh with no perspex to stop little fingers. So I really don't want to think of this awful accident every time I go on holiday and Petorama is not going to close any time soon. So I have decided this site is just a bad memory for me and I need to move on, which is sad but I cannot face this every holiday. On a positive note the injury has now healed but the nail is loose. The GP has said to keep it bandaged for another 2 weeks, to try and protect the nail bed and hope it regrows. We are going back to the site for the beer and music festival in July as we have already booked and paid for it but that will probably be the last time.

We came home around 5 pm on Monday and then looked after the toddler so that daughter could go to work as usual. Got a phone call when I arrived home to say my brother-in-law was quite ill, so after toddler was asleep I visited her and left toddler with OH babysitting. Sister seemed quite depressed about it so I was glad I went to see her; it gave her a chance to talk about what happened and pool ideas with me.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Party and Weekend Away

Wednesday was party day and wow what a party to celebrate my great nephew's first birthday. There were so many people there and so many kids. All the children played nicely together which was great. Very overcrowded for a house party though - if I knew that many people I think I would have hired a hall to save on the clearing up lol. It was held at my nephew's inlaws home which has 2 nice sized living rooms and a garden so everyone just about fitted in. The birthday boy was happy and cheerful which made the day really.

Our caravan home

We went to dog training afterwards for the last session of this term. We have already missed 2 sessions as we were away at the caravan, and are now giving the training a rest until September as we want to go away for weekends if the weather is nice. This weekend we are off again to North Devon until Monday. It will be just me and OH this time as son and daughter are both working over the weekend. I like the site we are on but it is a long way from home (over 120 miles) and communications there are really bad. Driving around North Devon your phone signal is very intermittent on/off/on/off all the time and on the site there is no phone signal at all on my O2 network. The site has phone boxes and Internet (which is on/off as well.) I would prefer somewhere where you at least have a reliable signal either phone or Internet. I feel very isolated there and when daughter was ill it was not great being cut off from ringing OH to update him, or to ring the hospital to find out how she was. I''m hoping to move the caravan nearer home at the end of the season.

Today, Thursday has been busy for me packing, washing, dyeing my hair. and catching up on the housework ready to leave in the morning. The dog did try and help - she ran upstairs to the bathroom and returned with a sponge from the shower in her mouth lolol!! Daughter is a bit down today as the toddler's nail is coming off, and she doesn't think it will grow back again, where the rabbit bit her finger. It is almost healed now but still having to keep dressings on it. She has gone to her boyfriend's home for the night with the toddler. She is going to see the GP next week to see what they think, and see if anything can be done to help. Hopefully it will all grow back OK. We had curry from our local takeaway as an easy dinner, but to be honest I prefer our usual restaurant and takeaway as the one nearest our home is prices and all their dishes are too hot for me. It is the second time we have tried it but it hasn't improved at all, so will not be going there again. It is fine if you like very hot curry but this is not for me. Hoping to keep writing this blog while I am away but no guarantees due to the signal or rather the lack of it lol.

Bye for now All the best x