Thursday 28 April 2016

Day 2 with the toddler An early start!

Well I was right the day started early at 06.30 to be precise. Toddler was yelling loudly and no amount of dummies or a bottle of milk would convince her to go back to sleep so OH got her up and dressed. He gets up early anyway so no real hardship but then I couldn't get back asleep as the dog got jealous and started whining and barking in the kitchen. Then daughter decided to tell me all about her excursion to a waterfall on messenger that she is going on today in Morocco. At 8 am I really didn't care just wanted my phone to stop beeping lol. The main problem is that toddler usually wakes early then goes in her mum's bed until much later - having a snooze, watching TV, and playing with toys. Unfortunately for us and her we don't want her in our bed so we have a problem. I eventually managed to sleep for another hour before getting up so not too bad really. This afternoon we went to soft play; a nice local one just for kids under 5 years. I used to visit it frequently when I was a childminder as it seemed quite safe and welcoming for the toddlers.

Fun at soft play - over she goes!

I gave up childminding 3 years ago as I was working stupid hours and not getting enough money from it. Parents who pay for childcare don't realise the amount of paperwork needed for setting and the children's files because of OFSTED, so my real hourly rate was very, very low. And that is not even counting the necessary paperwork and bookkeeping for the IR as childminders are self employed. My health was not too good, and at 59 I decided to call it a day and enjoy a laid back lifestyle, having worked full time since I was 15. Sometimes I do think I would like more outside interests as I seem to be very home based and tied up helping daughter with the toddler. I think reading back over this blog has highlighted this for me. I have done the odd market research interview - but that is not a regular thing, although it was fun at the time.

We are supposed to be going to the caravan for 10 days later next month and my DIL was going to look after the toddler on the days that daughter works. Unfortunately she has had a nasty fall and fractured her hand. If we both go now, OH and myself, then that will leave daughter without childcare - one of us will have to stay for the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday unless she can find someone else or book holiday at work. Life is never simple is it?

Bye for now All the best x

My First Day

Yesterday was quite a chaotic day with OH having trouble with his laptop and then daughter rushing around to get ready for her holiday. Her boyfriend arrived in the middle of the chaos which seemed to calm things down a bit! Eldest son popped in and took the offending laptop away (he works as a softwear developer) which is all to the good. Now the problem is not here any more OH can relax, forget about it and leave it to the experts to sort out.

Morocco It's 32 C Today (pic from Google Images)

Daughter left yesterday so we are in sole charge of a forceful toddler for the next few days. Last night she refused her tea and started sneezing, then only took half of her bottle before bedtime. She has developed a cold and was awake at 10 pm for some more milk but had a very stuffy nose. Woke briefly at 12 midnight but settled herself before I went to her. I didn't think we would get any sleep but she didn't wake until 8.30 this morning so all good.

Today was really busy as I needed to sort the toy box out to know what we have here, and also do my washing as daughter and OH have taken over the machine for the last week! Managed to walk the dog with toddler in her buggy. The dog learned very quickly to walk next to the buggy and not get under the wheels,  and the toddler was laughing at the dog trotting along beside her. Some workmen remarked that I had my work cut out with a dog and a toddler lol. I didn't bother cooking tea, preferred to play with the toddler as we sorted the toys. I cooked her fish fingers and oven chips for her tea with strawberries, raspberries, orange, blueberries and banana for dessert and snacks. As she didn't eat very much breakfast and no tea at all last night I gave her tinned ravioli - her favourite. She has eaten much more today than yesterday so hopefully it will just be a slight cold. This is not an ideal diet but the fruit balances it up a bit I think, and she has not eaten the cottage pie or the beef casserole with fresh veg etc for the last 2 days, so anything is better than nothing in the short term. She has only asked for mummy once today and no tears so all good so far.

My youngest son and my nephew called in today. Son was going to come here for the day but he had to take his sister-in-law to the hospital as she has broken her hand in a bad fall, and can't drive. Her mum and sister live nearby so hopefully they will step up and help her take the grandchildren to school and preschool. I can't help atm as I have the toddler all week and if I took her there she would just add to the problems. Tomorrow my OH is having the day off work as he has several appointments, so things should be easier with the little one some of the time. He works flexitime so can work long or short days and have days off when he needs as long as the hours are correct each month, which is very useful. Toddler is very energetic and rarely sits still unless you are doing something interesting with her eg reading a book, puzzle, drawing etc.

Must go now as we could have an early start tomorrow lol
All the best x

Monday 25 April 2016

Another Friend Hacked and a Cooking Day

Wow! I opened my phone this morning to see a post at the top of my facebook newsfeed about how one of my friends has been hacked. Someone had put that they were already Nigel's friend and had been for years so why was he sending them another friend request. Then Nigel's son commented that someone had hacked the account and was sending all his dad's friends requests for money!! He said please do not reply or add this fake person as a friend. What low life scum would do that to an elderly gent who is in hospital atm waiting for a transfer to a nursing home! He has not been on Facebook for a very long time so I have deleted him to be safe. It really amazes me how low some people will go. This is the 3rd of my friends to have their account hacked on facebook in the last 12 months, and I only have 60 people altogether.

Spent the day at home - nothing really interesting today just the usual tidying up, watched some of Judge Rinder (he is so rude lol) and cooked tea. We had cottage pie tonight with fresh veg nothing exciting. Oh, I made a Banoffee Pie for desert:-


1 tin Carnation Caramel
4 Bananas
250 g crushed digestive biscuits
100 g melted butter
Whipped cream
Grated chocolate

Melt the butter and stir in the crushed biscuits. Press into a loose bottom cake tin and chill in the fridge for 10 minutes. Spread on the Carnation Caramel, slice the bananas on top. Spread the whipped cream on top and finish a sprinkling of grated chocolate. Chill for at least an hour in the fridge.

Just managed to grab a pic before they finished it off!

Daughter left a dress and a sticky return label on the sideboard in the front room and was going to pack it and return the dress tomorrow. When we came to look for the label it had disappeared and there then followed a search of the floor, under the settee, in the drawers etc. What she did find was a small piece of the label on the floor by the door, and I found another small piece by the settee in the back room. It was pretty obvious who did it by the teeth marks in the pieces and the fact that most of the label is missing. I'll give you a clue the perpetrator has 4 legs and a tail. She must have eaten the rest of it as no sign of it here lol

Bye for now All the best x

Sunday 24 April 2016

Sunday Best Outfit

Sunday is definitely not a day of rest here as for a start we look after the toddler from 9 - 6 while my daughter works. However, OH took her out this morning until lunch time so I managed to do some ironing and mending that has been waiting a long time! He bought her a really cute outfit from the supermarket; Peppa Pig hat and top, skinny jeans and sandals. He had to buy her sandals as we couldn't find her shoes - both pairs were buried under a huge pile of clean washing that needed putting away. Daughter is 'all out' on this dissertation so nothing else is really getting done only bare essentials like bathing, changing the toddler, drinking and eating! She is having a break soon as she is going to Morocco for 4 days with her boyfriend and we are having the toddler for her.

I do like your hat lol

The dog has decided it will only eat the dried food if the toddler feeds it to her! Toddler started off well putting it nicely on the floor but soon started flinging it across the room enjoying seeing the dog chase after it! At least it is clean dry food so no harm done really. Very strange dogs these cockapoos, fussy what they eat, and crazy behaviour! I have seen her get up and start racing as fast as she can around the house, charging over furniture, not really looking where she is going and just running for her life! She often bumps into the walls or doors on route. Then, just as suddenly as it started it stops and she is quiet, friendly and 'normal' again. This happens at least twice a week and sometimes more often - no reason or pattern to it just crazy!

Cute and Crazy

I've spent the evening sorting photos on my phone (550) and uploading to Dropbox, then transferring them to the new laptop and putting them all in folders. It takes me a long time but I have made a lot of progress and emptied my phone tonight so can start fresh. I have 2 other broken laptops with lots of pictures on to transfer over but that can wait until tomorrow. One laptop has its contents on a USB pen so that should be easy enough which is good. My eldest son sorted it for me as it kept overheating. Apparently, to transfer everything to a pen my DIL had to stand there with a hairdryer blowing cool air underneath to stop it cutting out - very inventive is my eldest lolol. In case you haven't guessed I am not very computer literate and so tend to do everything the longest way lol.

My online help for moving photos!

Saturday 23 April 2016

Ladies who Lunch

It's Saturday and the sun is shining so no sign of the promised snow atm. My son, who studied Geography, has assured me we probably won't get any here but I can still hope as I love to walk in it when it is all fresh and white and just settled.

The Common in the Snow a Few Years Ago

Today I went out for lunch with an old school friend who I didn't contact for many years (due to a major fall out) until last year when she invited me to see her very ill mum and later to attend her mum's funeral.  Her mother was a wonderful lady who was like a second mother to me when I was young. I thought perhaps it would be good to re-connect and wondered why she had contacted me recently to suggest we went out to lunch. Well, lunch went well and the conversation flowed easily which was nice but unfortunately there is usually an ulterior motive with this person and my guess is she is probably looking for somewhere to stay for weekends in my city as she has moved to a country village 40 miles away! Yes, I do sound cynical but having known her all my life since age 12 I do see the veiled hints that were slipped in carefully during the conversation lol. "There is nobody in my life where I could turn up and stay if I had nowhere to go" and "It's difficult to arrange to see you for lunch when I am staying with ex-boyfriend as we have to visit other family" oh and "What area are you living in now?" She comes across as a lovely, supportive lady but there is always a large benefit for her if she is your friend, which is the main reason we parted years ago. However, as a lunch companion it was really nice, the conversation was good and I would go again but not too regularly say every 2-3 months or so. We probably won't have that many lunches as I am not a free B & B for her any more, and don't intend to pick up the tab every time like I used to - today we paid half each.

It was a lovely Harvester restaurant with a huge fish pond full of koi carp in the middle of it. We had the vegetarian meal of cauliflower, tomato and cheese tart with jacket potato, green beans and sour cream. I am not a vegetarian but my friend is, so I decided to try it as it sounded so nice. Really lovely meal cooked perfectly in a lovely atmosphere. A bit of a wait but I suspect most of it was freshly cooked.

The Fishpond at the Restaurant 

Tea was chip shop for my daughter and the toddler as I didn't feel hungry after a late lunch and OH didn't get home 'til 7.30 pm as he went for a few drinks with a work colleague. The toddler just loves fish and chips so we have it once a week or so, and she later shared some cheese and olives with OH for her supper. OH went to bed at 9.30 pm and daughter is still working on her dissertation upstairs so I have peace and quiet tonight just me and the dog. It did take me about 15 mins. to get the internet connected - we have a lot of trouble with it going down at least twice a day here so probably time to ring them and complain again. Must do some housework tomorrow if I get time as the place is looking very untidy lolol.

I'm off to get some supper now.
Bye for now All the best x

Amazing What You Hear at the Pub!

Well today was our 39th Wedding Anniversary - seems a long time ago now that we married lol. He went to work and I left him a card on the table to wake up to this morning. My youngest son visited today and helped me to brush the dog - this is a nightmare as she fights the brush and comb all the time but seemed to accept it a bit better from him. Late afternoon we went to a pub to meet OH and BIL for a few drinks after they finished work. Unusual for me to drink in the day but it is our Anniversary!  Daughter still tied up on her dissertation so didn't come with us. We had a few drinks and then returned home. OH bought me a pot of miniature roses and a box of Thorntons. Son felt unwell with a sore throat and temperature so decided to go home and not join us for dinner. We all went to another local pub where the food is good; me, daughter, toddler, and OH. It was a nice meal, good steak and cooked properly, but quite a long wait.

I popped outside for a quick cigarette while I was waiting to be served. As it was raining hard we were all under the shelter outside, about 8 people altogether. This rather loud lady was chatting to a man she didn't know and telling him all about how she had drunk a bottle of wine every night for 3 years and cried all day for the 3 years too. Then she went into detail about her married life and how she had hated her ex. Just outside the pub where everyone was stood around smoking and she was loud enough for everyone to hear. It always amazes me how much personal information people will share with strangers and anyone around. If you have ever watched Jeremy Kyle you will know what I mean. I know I write this blog but I am careful about how much I share on here and lots of things have been changed to protect my privacy and that of others i.e. names, dates, etc. etc. Facebook is another one to watch as I once bought something from a middle aged lady on facebook (which was very good value) and she added me as a friend so we could chat easily about meeting and what else she was selling. The next week she appeared on my news feed telling everyone about her marriage problems and how she hated her OH and wanted a divorce!! And I was not the only customer she had added as a friend either. Perhaps some people just don't care who knows what, but having said that several people have had parties gatecrashed and houses trashed, been burgled when on holiday or out and about, lost their jobs as the boss has seen something they posted, and had fake profiles set up in their names to access their email and ultimately bank details. I only ever have facebook friends that I have actually met in person but a friend of mine had her account cloned, and email also blocked because she was into Paganism and had added lots of people she didn't know who shared the same religion. She also had lots of vile messages from some of them too. I think what I am actually trying to say is please take care who you add as a friend - make sure you know them in real life. Also take great care about how much info you share online as some unscrupulous people will take advantage of it if they can. You can be anybody you like on the Internet and download photos of anyone and claim it is yourself. That's my little talk about Internet safety, and being careful of 'who knows what about you and yours' wherever you are.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 21 April 2016

Happy 90th Birthday to the Queen

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth who is 90 today - she shares this birthday with my late paternal grandmother. The Queen has 2 birthdays - the other being in the summer but today is her actual date of birth. 90 seems so old and I dread to think what will happen when she dies and we end up with Charles as king - he is not really a great ambassador for our country given his morals imo. Actually, I am not a royalist and think the whole royal family is a huge waste of public money but that is just my opinion on the issue. As Elizabeth is an elderly lady I really hope she has a wonderful day today.

Had a nice peaceful morning as daughter and toddler didn't return til 12 so I could potter around in peace. Took the dog to the park this morning and let her off the lead. We had the park to ourselves as the kids were all in school and nobody was around. It's a small, local park in a built up area overlooked by houses.  There is a grass area the size of a small paddock, and a fenced concrete play area for the smaller kids. The grass area has a tunnel, large swing and zip line, but at the top of the grass is another area that's not developed which is just gravel and rubbish.  The dog had a good run around and came back straight away when it was time to leave as no distractions (like other dogs) so all good. We live opposite a vast common with cycle paths and a small brook, but I rarely venture over there, as there have been lots of problems in the past e.g. wires strung across to crash bikes, women and men have been mugged, etc etc. Its a shame really as it is vast and the dog loves it, but unless OH is with me I rarely go alone as I just don't feel safe in such an isolated area.

This afternoon went well as I popped to the shops for the ingredients to make a Banoffee Pie tomorrow and called in to see my sister Mel. She wasn't too happy as she's just had surgery on her arm for the 4th time to widen the artery for dialysis. She is waiting for a kidney transplant as she had a kidney removed a few years ago due to cancer and the other kidney was too small. We chatted about the kids and the latest weather forecast - apparently although its been sunny here today it is going to snow at the weekend. I hope it does as I love the snow but they never get the weather right do they? Would be great if it was tomorrow as it's our Wedding Anniversary lol.

Just heard on the news that Barack Obama is coming to the UK to talk to us about how we should stay in the EU!!!! I personally think this is a real cheek and he should not be here trying to influence how the British people vote. Not that he isn't welcome as I think he is a wonderful president, and has done his very best for America, but he should not poke his nose into how we vote. Obviously David Cameron is pulling out all the stops to sway us into voting to stay in. First he spent millions sending us all a brochure to advise us to vote to stay in the EU and now this! Well, he won't alter my opinion but I hope he has a nice time here anyway.

Bye for now All the best x

Wiped out Tuesday / Productive Wednesday!!

Ok, so yesterday went very badly as I was up til 3am Monday night chatting to daughter and putting the world to rights as you do - or maybe you are sensible and don't stay up that late lol. Also bear in mind that I had to get up for the tumble dryer engineer Tuesday morning, to stop us all being cremated here as they are prone to catching fire. Couldn't believe the time of the call - had a text saying 7.15am - 9.30am. Cannot remember engineers arriving before 9am nor any tradespeople for that matter. He turned up at 7.50am telling me they have so many to do that they would be working until very late if they didn't start early, and I was his 2nd call!! He did hoover up the dust after but not a proper job and his cleaning fluff out of the filter - well it was still there until I removed it lol. I tried to go back to sleep for a few hours but only managed half an hour on the settee and half an hour in the afternoon. Spent the day sitting around really doing nothing. Daughter made avocado pear with prawns for tea with some chips from the chip shop before going to work. Had a nice long bath and I was dozing off in there so went to bed early (well early for me) at 12.15am.

My sister, Amy, called by to deliver a packet here. Says she is very busy with the parcels and has no time to herself - she is a courier. Then she told me she had a reply from her MP regarding the mix up with the police, as they forgot to put an ID bracelet on my late brother. Apparently the MP is referring it to the Police Complaints Commissioner now - oh how much trouble will she stir up this time? Really just want him to RIP and all this 'lets blame everyone and cause as much trouble as we can' game to end. I don't visit her very often any more as she is constantly complaining about someone or something and I really don't want to hear it any more. As I don't join in with her and say how awful everyone and everything is she has stopped popping in so often which is all to the good lolol.

OH was home today as his TV was being delivered along with my laptop he bought for my birthday. Time of his courier delivery was 7am - 2pm, an early start again. He had the day off as he knew I would not be getting up that early 2 days in a row and wanted his TV lol. I was very good today, cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, hoovering, washing done, and then sat down trying to sort out my laptop. It's very different from what I had before as it's a different model, has windows 10, and instead of Internet Explorer I'm now on Google Chrome, so 3 different things to get used to. Well I am writing this on it so things are not going too badly lol. Today has been very peaceful as OH took the toddler to the park and then she went with my daughter to her boyfriend's home for dinner, and they are staying overnight. So all peaceful for me to play with the laptop and set it up in peace. Then enjoyed a nice Chinese takeaway for supper - perfect.

Monday 18 April 2016

Monday Monday

This morning the dog decided to lay on me and fall asleep - this is a 'definite first' as it's usually a quick smooth, out for the toilet, and then sits on her own. She's usually in the same room but that's about it, never lays next to me even on the sofa. Hope it doesn't mean she's becoming unwell as it's really odd. We call her Loof - short for Aloof as a nickname. She is the most difficult puppy I have ever had. She eats gravel, plants, sticks, dried grass stems, peat and new plants we have planted. But she is very fussy with dog food and the only one she really enjoyed was £1.19 for a small sachet - no chance I am going to pay that price - we just bought it to try and see if she liked it! She will eat our food though anything we leave. Add to that she is a cockapoo and therefore needs a lot of brushing but fights with the brush and runs away. She is just about housetrained now at 7 months and has chewed the wall paper off, the bottom of my kitchen cupboards, dining chair legs, a Chinese rug, our fitted carpet, the stair gate and every bin-liner bag I have put in the bin. Indoors it is improving but once in the garden I spend all my time removing twigs, gravel etc. from her mouth.

Decided to go shopping as it was looking a bit bleak in the kitchen, toddler had no fruit left and we ran out of biscuits which is dire in this house. Went to Lidl as they are much cheaper on fruit and veg and that is what I mainly bought. I'm still trying to get to the end of the frozen food here as we have 3 freezers all partly full! It is difficult as every time I run them down OH decides we need more food in the house and comes home with more meat and frozen veg! He can't seem to comprehend that I am trying to use everything up so I can start fresh. Came home and started cooking daughter's special recipe for an early tea as she has work tonight. Daughter usually cooks this but she is busy with her dissertation, and the toddler loves it and ate really well tonight.

Recipe (serves 4)

1 Chorizo sliced or chopped smallish
1 or 2 Courgettes halved lengthways then sliced
Pasta penne or similar enough for 4 people
Dash of olive oil
Pinch of salt
Grated cheese
Mushrooms 5 or 6 sliced or chopped
1 Carton of crème fraiche


Put a pan of pasta on to boil with a dash of olive oil and pinch of salt to taste. While this is cooking fry the chorizo for a few minutes, then add the courgettes and sliced mushrooms. Continue to fry until cooked through and the courgettes are soft. Drain the pasta when cooked and combine with fried ingredients. Carefully fold in the grated cheese and crème fraiche and serve at once. Nice with a salad or as it is.

Lastly I'd like to say Hello to all the people who read this blog - from US Brazil Mexico Netherlands and the UK. Hope you are all enjoying the blog. Please feel free to leave a comment All the best x

Sunday 17 April 2016

Party at Grandaughter's House

Saturday we went to granddaughter's home for a birthday tea. The children had all been to soft play for an hour before, then it was back to son and DIL's home for coffee and cake. My daughter and the toddler went to the soft play first. Daughter and her boyfriend were going on to a wedding and staying overnight, so we took the toddler home with us. She was very irritable at the party as it clashed with her nap time (1.30 - 4pm) and she likes her daytime sleep. She fell asleep in the car on the way home so we picked up the dog from home and went to the fields. OH stayed in the car while I gave the dog a good run. Back at home (and toddler still sleeping) we parked on the drive. I stayed in the car and OH took the dog in the house and brought us both out a coffee, while toddler slept on! Woke up just as we had finished - great timing lol. She was much happier after a sleep which was a bonus. Tea was chip shop and then we put her to bed at 8.45. All I could hear on the baby monitor was her playing with her soft toy piano (attached to the cot) and her singing 'Et it Go'  Et it Go' - Disney's Frozen has a lot to answer for! Decided to leave it as she was happy playing and fell asleep at 9.25 probably due to the late nap. Nice quiet evening at home.

Picture from Internet Images - Disney Frozen film Elsa and Anna

Sunday was a very early start 5.45am and the toddler is screaming and wanting to get up. OH made her a bottle of milk and she went back off  'til about 9am. He took her out swimming which gave me a chance to catch up on the washing and tidy around. One of my niece's called in with a birthday card from my sister Jane and a box of chocolates.  She came in for half an hour for a chat which was lovely as I don't see much of her - and it made a welcome break from doing the cleaning. When I think of how much cleaning I used to do when my kids were small, and what I do now there is no comparison! I used to hoover twice a day and pull the furniture out at least 3 times a week. Definitely had OCD or perhaps it was because we had social workers and parents visiting all the time as we were fostering. Now, well we won't go into that - it all gets done eventually haha.  Daughter came home around 6.30 as she had a meal at her boyfriend's home. So my shift was over until tomorrow night when she goes to work again.

Have been chatting to an old friend on facebook that I haven't seen for over a year, and arranged to go for a daytime meal with her later in the month. Really should keep in touch with my friends more than I do.  I used to meet up with them once a week but after my best friend moved to South Devon a few years ago we haven't seen much of each other. My other close friend got a full time job and we have drifted apart since, but I think I will start to make an effort this year when I'm not needed for childcare quite so much. Family is nice to have around but I feel that mine have quite a negative influence on my mood so its time to branch out a bit.

That's all for tonight All the best chat soon x

Saturday 16 April 2016

My Birthday

Today started well as daughter ran me a bath complete with doughnut, coffee and a Yankee candle! Just got out of the bath when DIL arrived with granddaughter, who is 4 today, bearing flowers and cards. My other son turned up an hour later with chocolates and a Next voucher for my birthday. The kids all played together after granddaughter had opened her presents from us. Think she liked the Barbie puppy jewellery set the best, and the Little Pony hoodie my daughter bought her. Eldest son turned up with grandson 7 yrs. after collecting him from school, with a nice box of chocolates. Had a text from my youngest sister (Jane) wishing me a happy birthday. Reminds me that I haven't visited her in ages and must make more effort. She lives locally and is not driving atm as her car went for scrap. My sister Amy rang to say she will call round. She turned up half an hour later with chocolates and a card, and a packet of dog chews for our puppy! Then she spent the next half an hour moaning about her firm and how she will be putting in a complaint about them!!! Some things never change lolol.

We went to a local pub with a soft play area for the children and then to a very nice Italian restaurant. The meal was lovely and all the kids were very good - the toddler loved the olives - funny taste that one! It was expensive but you get what you pay for; excellent service and food with no waiting to be served. My grandson was a bit tearful from time to time which is very unlike him. DIL says he's had a few late nights recently so perhaps that's why or maybe he is becoming unwell.

Well the house looks like a bomb has hit it as I have done nothing today. I decided to have the day off and apart from feeding the dog and making the bed all the rest has just stayed as it is. One cup left clean and the rest loaded in the dishwasher, toys everywhere, dishes and crumbs all over the worktops, washing basket is piled high etc.but hey today was my day off. Definitely the Mañana approach!  OH was off as well and hasn't done a lot either apart from making cups of tea and walking the dog. Oh yes, I did clean the bath with some white vinegar to disinfect it and remove the limescale film that builds up, as the water is hard. Daughter had to give it a clean and disinfect it too after bathing the toddler but we won't go into why here lol.

Sad to read in the press today that 2 young sisters (13 and 14) abducted a toddler girl (2yrs old) from a Primark store and took her to a park 2 miles away. They took the toddler at 5pm and were found with her in the park 2hrs later, so around 7pm. Apparently, they were seen shoplifting in a supermarket with the toddler and stole baby milk, bottles and dummies. The toddler was found unharmed. The press is saying they have been charged with 'kidnapping with sexual motives' and shoplifting. But, the worst part is these girls have been let out on bail with a tag and curfew with directions to reside where social services say. Now am I the only one who thinks that these 2 should have been secured and they pose a huge danger to other little ones? Surely if they would take a toddler to a park in the dark (and at 7pm when she was found it was dark) what exactly did they have planned for that poor little girl? And how are the police charging them with kidnapping with sexual motives - did these girls tell the police what they were going to do? Or did they have things on them for sexual purposes? Who knows, but what I do know is that if I had a young child in that area I would be very worried that these 2 wicked girls were at large to strike again. They didn't even know the child, just saw an opportunity to grab her and did. Quite horrific.

Well we all had a chat about the EU referendum today which was interesting. We all looked through the government booklet that they paid millions to send to us. I was well surprised that out of 6 family members 4 of us are going to vote OUT with the other 2 people as of yet undecided. I thought it was just me that wanted out. The reason I want out is because I can remember the butter mountain, our fishing rights being restricted, farmers not allowed to grow crops as we had to buy from Europe, barmy health and safety laws, and also the huge problem we have with the volume of European people coming here to claim benefits, housing, medical services, school places etc. When we have so many people homeless and living in poverty here, with not enough money to look after people who are born here, why are we subsidising another country's population? If we were a very wealthy country with all our people having jobs, housing, enough food, school places etc then it would be different and we could share and afford to allow others in to work here and benefit, but while our population is waiting months for hospital beds, sleeping on the streets and using food banks then perhaps we need to end free travel and get out of the EU ASAP. Comments welcome:-  you may have a different view on this and I will respect your opinion but not change mine.

Bye for now All the best xx

Friday 15 April 2016

Shopping and doggy tales

The week started well with just the usual distractions i.e. dog walking, toddler minding, shopping etc. Wednesday was a bit hectic going to the groomers with the puppy. As luck would have it OH came home early so he came with me to collect her, as she travels a lot better in his car in the boot with the dog guard up. No howling and a nice peaceful ride. The groomer is still having trouble clipping her feet and legs but they are shorter this time. Our dog hates all grooming and we have yet to find a brush or comb she will happily accept. She is 7 months now so a lot of her earlier problems have disappeared and she's not as destructive - but still not completely trustable with the toddler's toys! We had a nice walk on the common afterwards and finished up in a local pub for a drink.

Thursday was a great day we went shopping to the Mall as OH is off work now until Monday. Managed to get a new laptop from him for my birthday, as this one has major problems with freezing and the internet keeps shutting down - its old now and well past its best. We also bought a new TV as ours has developed a lighter horizontal piece right across the top of the screen. Also had a phone call to say they are coming to modify our tumble dryer next week as its been classed as likely to catch fire and subject to needing modification. Quite a few have actually caught fire and destroyed homes due the filter in them.
Think I am in the last stage now lolol.

Tomorrow is my birthday and although I am looking forward to it (hence the new laptop) I am still apprehensive as 2 bad things have happened to my dogs on this day. The first was many years ago when the kids were young and we came home from a lovely day out shopping to find our collie had developed a head tilt. The vet said it could have been a slight stroke or a blow on the head, we never did discover what the cause was. The second  incident was much more serious. My husband fed the dogs in the garage and went to work, then they came in the house a few minutes later. One was fine no problems but the other looked stoned or drugged. She fell into the wall with first one leg giving way, then each of the other legs giving way in turn. We thought it was a stroke but the vet phoned later to tell us that the opinion of 3 vets at the practice who had all examined her thought it was a poison or drug of some kind. On my birthday! They kept her in for 3 days on a drip as although no vomiting she couldn't eat or drink. She made a full recovery but cost hundreds in vet bills. We wanted to know what had caused it but were told toxicology would have been thousands to find the exact drug. The dog that was not affected would only eat if someone was with him so I can only presume someone had thrown something over the fence into the garden, to try and harm the dogs. I suspected 3 people, a neighbour who had complained about the dogs, an ex whose mother hated me (and swore she would hold it against me forever) as her husband had died from a heart attack when I left her abusive son, and a person I had nothing to do with anymore. So although this was over 10 years ago I am still apprehensive of what tomorrow will bring. Things like this tend to stick in your memory especially as it was on my birthday.  My granddaughter will be 4 tomorrow as she was born on my birthday, so I expect we will go there to give her a present. Her party is on Saturday so will see her then too.

My last dog who was my very best friend Scruffy


Monday 11 April 2016

Life gets busy and its off to church!

Yesterday (Saturday) was my shopping day this week. Lucky that daughter's boyfriend (Morris) came for the day to help with the toddler while daughter is working on her dissertation for uni. This meant I could go shopping for food, which was much needed, and also buy something for my granddaughter, Carmen's 4th  birthday on Friday. Managed to get a nice Barbie toy dog with jewellery set, and a sweet little Frozen bag in the Factory Shop which I shall put with the pens, felts, and Frozen colouring book and annual I already have. She also needs a swimming costume so I went online for that. I like the Factory Shop as they have some good deals sometimes, and the Annual and colouring book were only £1 each in one of the charity shops - both are brand new. They had a stack of them so presume they were unsold or bankrupt stock given to the charity to sell. I also managed to get 6 toddler books for £1 in one of the charity shops which was another bargain. Called in my sister  (Mel's)  home on the way back for a coffee and a chat. She still seems very shocked by our brother's passing so it was good to talk together. Came home feeling much better.  I think its good to get out and about, must do it more often as a half an hour walk with the dog each day is not really cutting it for me.

Tea party in the Tent with Pappy

Sunday started as a nightmare morning with the toddler crying from 7.40am. I kept wondering why daughter didn't get her up, but I gave up trying to sleep at 8.15 and found daughter in bed with migraine. She was really rough and had phoned in sick for work. Brought the toddler downstairs and gave her some breakfast. Dog was whining, barking and howling in the kitchen as OH was home and in the front garden. This dog is genuinely in love with my OH and can't bear him out of her sight if he is home lol. Managed to get a cup of coffee after OH came in to sit with the toddler. Now as anyone who knows me will tell you I need a good hour in the morning to feel rational and normal so to me this was pretty much a nightmare with a toddler crying and a dog kicking off big time all before 8.30. At 9am my sister Amy rang to check I was going to church with her this evening. Really early for a Sunday morning but then I am on a later timescale than most! Then daughter needed 4head strips for her migraine and after searching around OH said he would get some from the supermarket. After giving the toddler cereal, toast, toasted cheese sandwich, fruit and a drink he took her out. She is still eating very little and still unwell with a bad cold now - I think this is the 3rd week - hence the large choice. After a shower I started to feel more alive and got the hoover out at which point OH and toddler returned and also eldest son, DIL, and their 2 kids so we had a house full. OH had bought a bubble machine which amused the kids and the dog!

Left for church at 4pm - we went to my late brother's church for the service, and afterwards stayed for coffee. Amy (my sister) was telling everyone how she has emailed her MP and is putting in a complaint about the police, the doctor and the mortuary! Felt so embarrassed by this as really not the sort of thing you discuss with complete strangers after a church service. One of my nieces came with us. When we got back Amy decided she would attend the church every few weeks and tried to insist that I should go too. I explained that I was not religious and had only gone today as a mark of respect for the vicar who gave a lovely funeral service for my brother. She was also determined to reply to the vicar's email who has asked for my brother's carer's phone number. His carer doesn't want any contact with the church and he never attended with Rick anyway, but I doubt that will stop her. Think it's a good idea if I give it all a lot of space for a while as really don't need the stress and can't be bothered with arguing about church, complaints etc. When I got home it was lovely and quiet; toddler in bed, daughter feeling better and upstairs doing uni work and the dog sat with OH watching TV. Peace at last!!!

My brother's Church on the Green
Bye for now All the best x

Friday 8 April 2016

A Day at Home

Today was quite a boring day spent mainly at home apart from walking the dog and popping to the corner shop in search of bacon for teatime. The morning started well but little one was very grumpy today. She brightened up when my eldest son visited with the 2 grandchildren. He was on his way to dig up my nephew's garden - god knows why as he's had spinal surgery and is waiting for another spinal operation. The grandchildren amused daughter's toddler which was nice. The eldest grandchild (7) read the others a story and played with the toy kitchen with them. Son wanted to leave them here but I really didn't feel up to it today and daughter is busy with her dissertation for uni so wouldn't have been able to help much.

Lunch time when they left I took the dog for a run on the common and cycle path which is opposite where we live. Bumped into one of my sisters (Amy) who was busy delivering parcels (she's a courier.) She told me she is putting in a formal complaint against the police as they took my late brother to the mortuary without an ID bracelet. This delayed the post mortem for over a week, which I must admit I was far from happy about. But, a formal complaint - what is the point. The police officer who forgot will probably get told off and the way I see it there is no point getting someone into trouble if you aren't going to achieve anything from it. I have every respect for our police as they do a very difficult and often dangerous job but they are not infallible and everyone forgets things now and again. The outcome will be the same - it's not like reporting abuse or theft where you can make a difference. The mortuary shouldn't have accepted the body without any ID either so she will probably put in a complaint about them too. She thrives on drama and causing trouble for people in authority which I do find quite hard to deal with. Anyway, the dog had a good run around and came back when I called her which is more than she has been doing for my husband. She has now started coming to him when she feels like it instead of straight away like before.

Daughter cooked tea for us while I amused the toddler with some old toys I had put away. It wasn't great! She made a potato bake with courgettes, bacon, cheese and onion in it. At least I didn't have to cook it! Really dislike cooking but I am good at it when I bother lol. I have started doing online surveys recently just to give me something to do in the evenings. You fill out a survey and get points for doing it ranging from 20 - 100+ and when you save up enough points you can exchange them for gifts, tickets, or pay pal cash. It's 345 points for £3 and I have just sent off my second request for payment so earned the grand total of £6 so far. It's not life changing but gives me something to do in the evening. Tomorrow I'm going out shopping and wandering around the shops as I've been in the house too much lately.
Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 7 April 2016

In sickness and in Health lol

It has been very quiet here yesterday and today with not much happening at all. The little one is still not well as temperature was slightly raised last night 99.9 and yesterday was the last day of the antibiotics! Daughter had to work yesterday (Wednesday) evening as she had Tuesday night off due to the funeral. Husband is not well either as he came home at 4pm looking dire yesterday. Think he's caught the bug from the toddler, cold, sore throat, bad stomach etc. Praying I don't succumb to it as I have COPD, so any cold always goes to a chest infection and I can end up quite poorly. Husband still went to work today though; he is one of those annoying people who will go to work even if they are at death's door and promptly donate all their germs to all the other staff there. He was home by 2pm as he really is unwell.

Husband is on a different time scale to me as he is one of life's Larks - up at 5.30am and off to work at 6am. Comes home around 5 or 6pm then in bed by 10pm at the latest (often in bed at 8.30pm.) Now I'm an Owl, getting up between 8.30 and 9.30am, and needing an hour to feel human and do anything apart from drinking coffee. I'm pretty sluggish in the morning so tend to sit around, check emails, read the post, etc. Usually out on a walk with the dog at 11.30am and doing a bit of housework in the afternoon. I have been known to be loading the dishwasher at 1.30am as I feel more awake the later it becomes.  I think this probably started when I used to work in the 'children's homes' as a Residential Social Worker, where it was quite usual to be up until 2 or 3am with kids coming in and causing trouble. You really had to think on your feet late at night as some of the kids had major problems and needed a lot of attention. Just like to add here that a lot of the kids we cared for were really nice and a pleasure to work with so it was not all bad working there. I worked there for 8years so I must have enjoyed the work!

Just seen on the TV it's the Grand National on Saturday so will probably have a go. I'm not a great gambler as father spent thousands on it and was totally addicted so I make sure I never will be. The Grand National is probably the only horse race that I ever bet on and I have never got the winner yet!!

Bye for now - chat again soon All the best x

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Sad farewell to my brother Rick RIP

Not a great day today as we all went to my brother's funeral. He died 6 weeks ago but due to a hold up at the mortuary, and with the post mortem, the funeral took a long time to arrange. The minister at the church he attended did a lovely reading and also attended the cremation. This was all free of charge as my brother was a regular church attender and steward. The church was almost full of his friends who attended that church, which was lovely for our family. One of the parishioners made a donation to the minister to cover his expenses. We zigzagged across town - from home to church to crematorium and to a local pub afterwards. My brother had serious mental health problems which were triggered by drug use but probably hereditary. However, he was a very kind and caring person and this really showed in the speech the minister gave today. I have 3 sisters but he was the only brother. One of his friends asked me what happened to his things, and then asked his carer if he got anything which I did feel was inappropriate to discuss today. Perhaps I am a bit prim and proper but didn't feel it was the sort of thing to ask straight after a church service for someone who had died.
My sisters arranged the funeral service etc. as to be honest their ways are not mine, so rather than rock the boat and cause trouble I decided to back out of it and let them carry on. There were several things I would have done differently but that was their way.

Ending on a positive note daughter let her toddler go to her boyfriend's mum and adult sister for the day so she could come with us. This is a first, as the only people to look after the little one are me and husband, her best friend once for a few hours and my DIL for one day! She is very protective of the toddler and I feel it did her good to be left with boyfriend's mum, to be with other people and helped her socialisation. They had a lovely day, bought her toys, took her to a park and really enjoyed having her which is really nice. Unfortunately the child's biological father and all his family do not want any contact with her atm. so its great that her boyfriend's family have accepted her. We had a house full early evening as both sons, DIL, and nephew came here afterwards.

Bye for now All the best x

My brother left and my niece's late father right

Monday 4 April 2016

Life and Death

Firstly hi to the 2 people in the US reading this. I hope you find it interesting and if you have a blog send me a link in the comments. This is my first time writing a blog so I am interested in what others write about.

Today was busy shopping, visiting my sister to sort out last minute preparations for our brother's funeral tomorrow, and helping with the granddaughter - as daughter is writing her dissertation for Uni. Hopefully she will graduate this year. My brother died of a heart attack very suddenly. Apparently he went to the GP with a bad throat and chest pains to make an appointment in the morning. Afterwards he went to the bank and food shopping with his best friend and carer (he was disabled with mental health problems.) They went to his carer's house and he said he felt unwell so his carer made him a cup of tea. He found him dead in the chair when he came in with the tea - just like that gone in less than 5 minutes. It's a shame really as for the last 10 years he had turned his life around, given up drugs (he was an IV drug user on heroin), and was living independently in a flat where he was very happy. He had good friends at the church he attended regularly and was saving up to go abroad for the first time. Coming off drugs was down to the wonderful dedication and care of the Salvation Army who gave him a bed when he was homeless and arranged rehab for him. They provided wonderful support and were far better than all the other agencies who had worked with him previously. His friend and carer had known him since junior school as my mother and his mother were best friends.

I have always told my kids if you really want to do something (swim with dolphins, jump out of a plane etc.) or visit somewhere or someone do it while you can, as none of us know what tomorrow may bring.

On a brighter note we were babysitting again tonight as daughter works Monday and Tuesday evenings until 11pm. Granddaughter was much happier, still coughing but not as bad and has started eating a little now. She sat with my husband watching the Frozen DVD and fell asleep. We have popped her into bed - fingers crossed she will sleep, at least until daughter gets home! We gave her a bath tonight for the first time (daughter always baths her) so that probably wore her out.

Time to go now will write again soon. All the best x

The youngest granddaughter busy building

Decluttering and in search of the lost puzzle pieces

Today was spent caring for the granddaughter as daughter works on Sunday. She was far from happy as still unwell so lots of TLC given. Husband decided he just had to paint the front wall so got a bit of peace out there. Daughter came home from work at 6pm and was really tired as little one is not sleeping well. 

Have finally caught up on the washing and the last load went on today. Don't normally do the daughter's washing but she has a very poorly toddler to deal with. Started decluttering again when little one went to bed. While I was at it I decided to try and find the lost puzzle pieces so there I was on the floor with the phone flashlight on checking under the settees and sideboard for missing bits. Our granddaughter can disappear bits of toys faster than any conjurer and unlike the magic trick they are often never seen again lol. How she does it nobody knows.

I started on the drawers in the sideboard tonight. A dozen menus from the local Indian takeaway, last years calendar from the Chinese chip shop, lots of pens mostly dried up, several batteries all used, and a new diary from 2014 all hit the recycling bins. On the plus side I found 2 rolls of sellotape, several notebooks and some sheets of wrapping paper which were all items I intended to buy this week!!! This is why we end up with 4 bottles of ketchup etc. in the kitchen! I'm slowly going through the house and doing a bit each week now.  I started thinking about decluttering about 6 months ago but what really motivated me was clearing out my brother's flat last month when he passed away. It took hours and hours as he was a hoarder collecting CDs, DVDs, ornaments, musical instruments, books etc. etc. The flat was clean and tidy but there was just so much stuff to move. I have to attend the funeral on Tuesday this week.

We have a problem with ants at the moment they are climbing up the wall behind the high chair so I have sprayed the wall and floor. I use household flea spray (Indorex) as this is the best that I've found for the problem. I discovered it quite by accident when we had a plague of ants in our old house and I only had a household flea spray in the cupboard (as I had used up all the 'normal' ant powders and gels.)  If you spray a line along the carpet or flooring where the patio or back door opens, or along window ledges the ants will not cross it. It lasts for months even if you shampoo the carpet or wash the floor. I spoke to the vet about it and she said she uses it for this too!!

Time to go now - all the best x

Sunday 3 April 2016

A hectic day

Today started very early, 1am to be precise. Daughter was sending me messages to come upstairs as her little one (19mths) had been sick. She thought she had vomited blood but it was mostly raspberries tg. Changed the cot for her and put everything on to wash. Little one had a high temperature 103.4F so off to the emergency doctors they went. Now I have trouble going to sleep before 1am anyway so with all this happening I waited up until they returned at 3am. Little one has an infection on her lung so it was antibiotics and good old Calpol.
The morning was chaotic to say the least. The puppy (6months) seemed to sense something was very wrong and played up all day - like a naughty child really that's deprived of attention! So with the little one crying on and off all day and the puppy uprooting plants and bringing them in the living room, complete with earth, snatching toys from the toy box, socks from the washing pile etc. it wasn't the best of mornings. Have to say here that the puppy hasn't done any of this for over 2months now and was thought to be trustable hahaha. Add to that eldest son visiting complete with 2 other grandchildren (aged 4 and 7) life was busy here. They were well behaved at least which is a bit unusual really lol.
Fast forward to the evening and daughter was going out with her boyfriend for a meal so we were babysitting. We managed to get the medicine down the toddler mixing it in Ribena and her using a straw. She had her bottle of milk and then as husband was carrying her up the stairs she vomited all over him. So daughter came home and several phone calls to the doctor's emergency service followed but all was ok. At least I didn't have to change the cot again. Bye for now x

Saturday 2 April 2016

Hi everyone

Hi all
If you are reading this I am a 61yr old house wife living a chaotic life with my husband, daughter and granddaughter. I have insomnia or at least a sleep problem so I decided to write a blog to give me something constructive to do in the small hours of the night lol

Life here is often chaotic and busy with lots of visitors and a crazy puppy who just loves to cause trouble everywhere she goes. Will write more tomorrow as this is the first time I have written a blog
Bye for now x