Tuesday 31 May 2016

Feeling more positve

Monday went well as daughter went to cinema and toddler just had lunch then went for a nap. She woke up just as daughter came home and then they went to Argos to buy a stair gate for her room. Unfortunately it was 3cms too wide so will have to go back. Daughter is worried that since she put the toddler in a bed she is frightened to have the door shut. This means that daughter has to sit in the doorway until she is asleep then close the door. Well daughter went off to work, we put toddler to bed late (9.50pm) to make sure she was tired. Put her into bed, put on Winnie the Pooh soft music and lights toy, dummy in her mouth and another in her hand - all as usual. Walked out of the room saying goodnight and shut the door, waited outside, and never heard a sound! Then I realised I had left her light on so back in I went saying 'Granny forgot the light' - still not a sound so I shut the door. Sat on the landing for 10 mins and heard nothing at all, so I went downstairs and put the monitor on, She was fast asleep. Daughter's boyfriend came for the night when she finished work.

Today, Tuesday, the boyfriend went to work at lunchtime. Daughter went out to a park with her friend and the friend's little one who is four months older than the toddler. Then she met up with a cousin and her toddler who is the same age, They went shopping together, which is nice to see her getting out and about with friends and family, and the toddler having other toddlers for company.

As she was out all day I had a great day today. Lots of peace and quiet here and I had time to go shopping for food and a few bits and pieces. Also took a bag of clothes to the charity shop that's been hanging around in my car for a few days now.  Loved being alone for a day here, as living with a toddler is hard work and very noisy lol.  I really do find it hard to get on with anything when daughter and toddler are home. Perhaps this is just me, I don't know. I can't concentrate on housework or paperwork when they are around. I wouldn't like to be alone all the time as I have no desire to become a hermit lol. I love human company and visitors are always welcome to drop in anytime. But sometimes I just need space to clear my head and concentrate on doing things, or just enjoy time alone to surf the net, watch TV etc. Really feel a lot better for having a nice quiet day today - I'm in a much more positive frame of mind and have stopped feeling so depressed. I think I need to get out and about more often.

Lidl where I mostly shop

We put the toddler to bed at 8.45 pm tonight - same regime but I didn't forget the light lol. I said 'Night Night' and closed the door. Stood outside for about half a minute and I heard a little voice say 'Night Night!' I didn't reply as I wanted her to go to sleep, and she did straight away - no screaming or crying at all, so it's all good.

Tomorrow will be busy as my nephew and his girlfriend are holding a barbecue for their baby son's first birthday. Managed to get him a push along toy today as he is just starting to cruise along the furniture so will be walking soon. This is at 3 pm and then at 6.30 pm we are off to dog training. OH is working again so will finish early and meet us there. Its not far - about 2 miles away. Then on Friday we are off to the caravan for the weekend. They are having a dog show so I may put Rhondda in it, but it definitely wont be for obedience lol.

Bye for now All the best x

Monday 30 May 2016

Babysitting Blues

Friday was not a great day as me and daughter had a massive argument about her asking yet again for me to look after the toddler for three hours today. I'm really fed up with it but agreed, then she took the little one with her. Fast forward to the evening and it was can OH have the toddler again for the whole night. As he is at work tomorrow at 6 am it was me who had to look after her when she woke at 10 pm and again at 3 am. Daughter came in at 6 am so was there for the toddler at 6.45 am but it still woke me up. She has 3 teeth coming through so that's probably why. She also fell off the slide at a park but was not hurt, as daughter took her to the GP for a check to make sure. OH said that he didn't realise she was going out all night so think we need to sit and talk about this soon. I managed to visit my youngest sister Jane today which was nice. Have not seen her since my late brother's funeral so quite a long time.  Amy (my other sister) called in while I was there.

Saturday was a lot more peaceful as daughter was around with the toddler all day, and went out with her friend for dinner taking the toddler with her. My nephew visited for an hour which was nice. He is doing up the house he's renting and came to borrow a spade for the garden. It was nice to get some time alone here later, and I managed to start sorting the paperwork and the post that was piling up.
Sunday (today) I had the toddler all day at home while daughter was at work, as OH was working but things went quite well. I'm starting to teach her colours, and so is daughter, but I don't think she understands yet. In the evening we went to my sister Mel's house for a barbecue. My nieces and nephew were there. OH took the dog and stayed in the garden with her. Daughter turned up when she finished work and the 3 cousins got together for a good catch up. Now they all want to go to the cinema together tomorrow afternoon and so I will have the toddler yet again and for the evening while she is at work. Something needs to give here as I cant be the 'live in free nanny' that daughter wants. In the last week I have had the toddler for 9 hours Sunday, 5 hours Monday, 5 hours Tuesday, 3 1/2 hours Wednesday, all night Friday from 8 pm, and 9 1/2 hours Sunday today. And tomorrow another 3 hours to look forward to!!!  Plus the evening while she works. I have tried to compromise as I am willing to look after the toddler while she is at work and for the evenings after toddler is in bed until around 12.30 am. I can't go on doing daytime babysitting as it is messing up my days and stopping me from going out and about when I choose. And I am really not willing to babysit all night as I really need my sleep. Watch this space as big changes are coming.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Daughter is De-cluttering!

Today has been a very busy day for me but I do feel that I have achieved quite a lot. The ironing is now finished and so is the washing - 12 awning curtains to iron from the caravan took a while! Managed to hoover, clear the kitchen twice, put all the washing away,  and take the dog to the common for a good run. Daughter is continuing to sort her things out as she has not had a lot of time over the last few months due to Uni work outstanding. The high chair has gone. The seat pad was a bit split in places but otherwise in good condition, so we put it out by the gate next to the bins and within the hour it had been taken. Hope it helps someone who can't afford to buy one, as it was still in daily use before daughter bought the small chair and table. Will also be going to the charity shop with various toys and clothing that we don't need any more and the toddler has outgrown. Daughter tried to start potty training today, but although the toddler knows when she is going, and tells you, she got very very upset when she wet herself and so she's decided to leave it for a while.

Daughter's boyfriend called in this morning, and is staying here tonight, so me and OH decided to take the dog over the common and then call in a local pub for a meal. It has been a lovely sunny warm day here, Boyfriend is cooking a lamb dish for daughter and toddler so we left them to get on with it. When we returned the ball pit and balls had appeared in the front room as she is selling them. Can understand this as the balls tend to go everywhere, except in the ball pit lol. Love it when her boyfriend comes as daughter is so much tidier and productive i.e. you get a cup of tea or coffee from her lol! Oh I almost forgot OH took the dog on the balcony with him when he came home to sunbathe for an hour and she's chewed up some of the flowers that we had growing in pots there. What is it with cockapoo's that they will eat anything except their dog food! She really is a nightmare puppy always eating small gravel, plants, dirt, bark off of the log pile etc etc.

Feeling really tired today (must go to bed earlier!) so going now. Not a lot happened really apart from fighting a loosing battle with the housework. The awning is still draped over the stairs to dry so its never going to look tidy here. Tomorrow is another day I guess. Bye for now All the best

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Her New Bed

Today I looked after the toddler for the afternoon while daughter went to visit a school as she is applying to several schools for a part time learning support assistant job. She is having a year out of studying and going to work part time until next September when she will take the PGCE teaching certificate course. Her friend came over with her 2 kids who are 2 and 6 which was nice for the toddler to have other children to play with.

We went dog training and Rhondda was a star - did everything just right. We were learning how to walk through the door first before the dog and she got it second try which was a lot better than most of the dogs there. Funny how she is so disobedient at home but just perfect at the training class - other dog owners there have the same problem too!

When we got home it was total chaos as daughter decided to change the cot into a bed and spring clean the nursery. She has also put the cot sides and a spare safety gate in my bedroom! Unfortunately daughter always dumps stuff she doesn't want either in my bedroom or in our front room which adds to the mess lol. Added to this was the mess her friend's kids made downstairs and I was cleaning up for a good half hour (to include yogurt all over the dining chairs). On a positive note the toddler went straight to sleep in her bed and slept all night under her nice new quilt. Daughter put some bedding on the floor next to the bed so she would have a soft landing if she fell out but she didn't. Sadly I have dust allergy and the dusty cot sides sent me off in a coughing fit with eyes streaming when I went to bed. I am fine as long as the dust is not disturbed but once she started moving things and cleaning it sets me off. Doesn't she look cute?

So Grown Up in a Bed

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Sister Visited

Well where do I start with today? The baby alarm (aka the toddler) went off at 8am and then into her mum's bed as daughter is tired having worked 'til 11.30 pm last night. I got up as I couldn't go back to sleep, cleared the kitchen, showered, fed the dog - the usual morning run. At 10 am just when I was going to take the dog out my sister rang sounding depressed. She was on the phone for ages and then came to visit. Apparently she can't go on the kidney transplant list for 4 years after they removed her cancerous kidney because she is on medication for kidney failure which can cause another cancer!! So they have to be sure she is OK before they will let her have her niece's kidney even though her niece is a perfect match and is very willing to donate. She has to stay on dialysis for another 1 1/2 years, as her other kidney was very small and has now packed up completely. Well she stayed for 3 hours which pretty much took up all the spare time I had left before going to the groomers, so the bedroom mountain of paperwork is still there and waiting.

I've had a haircut!

After my sister left it was off to the groomers for the dog to get washed and clipped. She is a lovely person and only 21 yrs old with her own business, which she started last year.  I chose her as she used to go out with my daughter's ex boyfriend's brother and I know she genuinely really loves all dogs. She cut it really short this time which is exactly what I wanted as the dog hates all grooming and it is difficult to keep it knot free with her curly coat. This is a half hour drive each way and it only takes 2 hours to do the groom, so not much time left to do anything. I did manage to get the last few loads of washing finished and now have a pile of ironing to do. I was going to tackle the paperwork when the toddler went to bed but OH came home early about 5pm and was feeling ill. He helped amuse the toddler and then went to bed at 8.30 pm so that made the bedroom a no go area for the evening. Never mind tomorrow is another day. I suppose I could always start the ironing lol.

Monday 23 May 2016

Dog's Day

My dog is off to the groomers tomorrow for a bath and clip as she is a cockapoo. While we were on holiday we only brushed her twice in the 10 days we were there and if you add in the salty seawater, grass, mud and sand it was a recipe for matts. Today it took me 3 hours to remove the numerous matts from her ears with combs and various brushes. If she went to the groomer like this they would shave her ears and I really didn't want this to happen. Dog lovers reading this will understand especially if they have a spaniel cross or a poodle - in fact any long haired dog (or cat for that matter.) Why did it take so long? Because she hates all grooming and tries to run away, and there is the reason we didn't do it on holiday! New resolution time - her ears, at least, will be combed every day from now on.

Oh those ears!

All my time has been taken up with the dog today which meant that I still haven't attacked the mountain of paperwork upstairs, and we have the toddler again tonight as daughter is at work. So tomorrow I shall try and rise to the challenge, and start sorting things before I loose the motivation again lol. I am seriously snowed under with washing still here as I have all the bedding to wash from the holiday plus towels, tea towels and the 8 awning curtains. It was wet when we left so we have the awning draped over the stairs to dry - at least we don't have any posh visitors coming lolol. My daughter's old school friend did pop in after they went out to lunch but otherwise it was a quiet day here today.

Tomorrow I am planning to visit at least one sister as I haven't seen them in a while, so will be out and about for part of the day. I go out every day to walk the dog but I do have problems sometimes as I have COPD which means atm  I find it difficult climbing hills or steps and carrying anything that is not lightweight. I have an inhaler for when it gets really bad but mostly as long as I am walking on flat ground I am fine and I don't think you would notice if I didn't tell you, but you might think that I walk a bit slow.

On an end note I'd like to say Hi to people I know are reading this from around the world. I know I have followers in America, Portugal, and the UK and also some people from other European countries occasionally read this blog. Welcome all and please feel free to write a comment if you want - it would be good to hear from you. I hope you find my life interesting and enjoy the read.
Bye for now All the best x

Sunday 22 May 2016

Ramblings and Thoughts

Today started early as the toddler went off at 7am. I did try to get back to sleep but with her going off every half an hour, like an alarm clock, it was not to be lol.  Daughter went off to work as usual on a Sunday and left the little one with us. Toddler has recently changed from using a high chair to a low table and chair which is proving to be quite a challenge keeping the little girl sat down for meals! I'm still ploughing through the mountain of washing which follows every holiday, and we went shopping today to re-stock the cupboards. This afternoon my nephew visited with his girlfriend and their baby. It's the baby's first birthday soon, so they brought invitations to the bar-b-q party they are arranging . The little one is standing up now so will be walking soon.

Tomorrow I have 'good intentions' to do some housework and spend at least an hour de-cluttering by sorting out paperwork. This is in a huge pile on the floor in a corner of my bedroom, and has been there for the last 2 years! We did have a spare room once and I was in the middle of sorting it all out when youngest son moved home again so it was all quickly dumped there, and there it stayed.  I have a large box, 2 briefcases full and 2 drawers to go through. It is all mostly old payslips and course notes that I have attended together with old saving account statements from years ago so nothing much that is worth keeping. We are lucky that we have an open fire grate in the front room so I can burn anything confidential. I am also going to start listing unwanted clothes on eBay that I sorted out before the holiday. Ahh so many good intentions but the best laid plans of mice and men ......... hopefully it will be a quiet peaceful day and I can crack on with it all.

I was sad to read that another plane has crashed and my thoughts are with the family and friends of those killed on flight MS804. I find it quite frightening that this seems to me to look like a deliberately started fire on board the aircraft. It is hard to understand why some people are so disturbed and want to harm others, often in the name of religion. How can a god that is supposed to love and care for people let these things happen, regardless of what you call them? All the Holy Books I have read speak of love, charity, caring, compassion etc. etc. and then you get these religious fanatics beheading people, smashing historic monuments, taking hostages, setting bombs and doing all manner of evil things, all in the name of religion. I really hope that they find the black boxes and it throws up some answers as to what really happened on that flight, but my guess is it's the work of a terrorist - we shall see. Really hope I am wrong and it was an unfortunate accident. To be honest, and I have flown all around the world so I am not a nervous novice passenger, I now feel very apprehensive about taking another flight anywhere.

We drove past our local high street today and I noticed a rank of about 8 shops and houses all looking derelict and boarded up. I think they will probably be demolished, but it really makes me angry when I see empty properties and there are so many people sleeping rough with nowhere to live. These empty properties that I see everywhere are often boarded up and looking in a sorry state, but they would make someone a nice warm home. Now my thoughts on this are probably controversial, but I feel that any empty house or flat should have to be occupied after say 1 year being empty. And that it should be illegal to leave houses empty for any longer than this, which would definitely ease the housing crisis and enable homeless people to have a roof over their head. Also, this would mean the owners would get an income from these houses so it would be a win win situation all round. Perhaps the council could put a compulsory purchase order on them, and then use for council accommodation.

Well that concludes my ramblings for tonight. Bye for now All the best x

Saturday 21 May 2016

The Worst Holiday

Have not written for nearly 2 weeks as we have been on holiday in Devon. We have a 4 berth touring caravan that we keep on a site there. The site has a bar, shop, nice showers, a swimming pool, pet area for the kids (more about that later) etc. We arrived - me, my husband, the dog, my daughter, youngest son and the toddler. The first day was nice, sun shining and everyone chilled. Toddler slept all night in the travel cot we managed to squeeze in.

The next morning daughter felt really ill with stomach pains on and off all day. By day 2 she couldn't stand up straight and was vomiting so we were off to the A & E which is 8 miles away. She spent 2 nights in hospital until a scan diagnosed an inflamed stomach. Probably caused by the bug she caught in Morocco. Daughter came back to the caravan but was still not really well.

My OH and son took the toddler to the children's petting area the next day. It has baby chicks, rabbits, guinea pigs, a goat etc etc. They were only there for 5 minutes when she ran off and put her finger through a rabbit's cage.It bit her really, really badly and didn't want to let go - almost severing her right index finger. We went back to the hospital where they cleaned it and put paper stitches on to keep it closed. Daughter left and went home the next day with the toddler - we went to the local vet as our dog had a tick on her neck!!!

We did go to the North Devon show and it was quite nice looking around and seeing the dog displays, obedience, police dogs in action, hounds etc, The motor bike display was good - seeing them high in the air on ramps twisting and turning. I also had one afternoon looking around the local seaside town.

All in all I think it was the worst holiday I have ever had and I feel like I could do with another holiday to get over it. Really don't ever want to return to that site ever again but our caravan is kept there atm so have little choice really. All I can think of is how my granddaughter will probably loose all feeling in the top of her finger, and how ill my daughter was there. Really do not think that a petting zoo should have animals classed as safe and tame for children to handle that bite this hard. The hospital said it was the worst cut they had ever seen without the whole finger being severed so it was not a little nip. Talking of the hospital I cannot fault them as they were prompt, very thorough, friendly and caring with both my daughter and granddaughter - North Devon Hospital 10/10 - much better than where we live and our local hospitals.

So glad to be home now. Bye for now All the best.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

A Productive Day

Today started well as daughter and toddler went trampolining and then out for lunch so I had the morning until 2.30 pm alone - well the dog kept me company. Me and dog went upstairs (this is unusual as she is not allowed, but I wanted peace not howling!) and I sorted out the 2 suitcases that OH had retrieved from the loft full of my summer clothes. Have re-packed one case with all the thick winter stuff, e.g. velour trousers, thick woolly jumpers, hats, scarves, gloves etc. and re-hung all my nice summer tops and dresses in the wardrobe. I packed my suitcase for our holiday, as we are off to North Devon tomorrow (yes, I know it's raining) for a break in the caravan. Have packed the dog's box too with food, biscuits, brushes, comb and towels so she is ready to go. Sorted out the bottom of the wardrobe, as I have not seen it in a while - it has been so full of junk! I have too many clothes so some I have stored in the settee units until I come home. They will go on eBay or to the charity shop. Felt very productive doing this and now have a good idea of what I actually own. I even found a lovely, smart, M & S, white jacket that I have never worn, as the sleeves are too long. It's ready to take to the dressmaker for altering. I also found a hip length, white casual jacket that I had forgotten about, so I am all ready for the wonderful summer we may or may not get lol.

My back room, the dining room / play room has seating units which lift up for storage. We had them years ago when our children were small but threw them out after a few years. I was so sorry I did, but 2 years ago I saw them on eBay and bought them back. Every seat lifts up for storage and each unit can be moved around to make a bed for visitors, corner unit etc. They are old - from the early 80's MFI furniture - but if they make this design again I would definitely buy it. It is fantastic for anyone needing more storage or with kids as the toys just go inside at the end of the day.

My Seating Units With Storage Space Inside

Spent the evening drying daughter's washing for her as she had to work tonight. So much washing to dry it is like a laundry here. Think this is the first lot she has washed for 2 weeks, as she has been so busy with uni work. It's raining hard here and we have had rain on and off all day. On a positive note the grass seed we planted has started to grow - the hot sunny days and now the rain seem to have done the trick. Fingers crossed we may get a lawn again soon. Our lawn disappeared after the very wet winter and we just ended up with mud and moss. I am tempted to buy artificial grass but OH says it is very expensive.

Bye for now All the best x

Liberation Day for Me and the Daughter!

Today started off very well as I had a peaceful hour to wake up properly. It takes me an hour in the morning to feel 'human' lol. Daughter and toddler returned at 10.45 am thereby ending peace - although toddler was asleep on return and for at least 15 minutes after arriving! Daughter started printing all her uni work including the dissertation which she finished off last night at the boyfriend's home. My younger son arrived then for the day, and added some more veg to my stew in the slow cooker, which I prepared late last night for an easy tea today. He loves cooking and has a genuine interest in it. Should have been a chef instead of a salesman lol.

Slow Cooker Stew 

Casserole beef or frying steak
Fresh carrots sliced
Potatoes cut small
1 onion chopped
2 Oxo cubes / stock cubes
Some mixed frozen veg e.g. broccoli, cauli, swede etc.
1 tin vegetable soup
Any leftover veg from today's meal
A few mushrooms if liked
Water approx. 1/2 pint
Optional - Gravy granules to thicken if liked

Put everything except the gravy granules into the slow cooker and turn on for 6 hours. Check if cooked and turn on for a few hours more if needed. Optional - Add gravy granules and stir briskly to thicken if needed. I don't add salt or pepper as we are serving it to the toddler for tea and add this at the table.

Daughter went off to university to hand in all her work and get her dissertation bound before presenting it to the tutor. The toddler stayed with me and was playing quite nicely. She sat with my son and looked through her french talking book. She used to go to french classes once a week, but daughter was behind with her uni work so she hasn't been for a few weeks now. Toddler came to me and said 'Been poo' today and patted her nappy. This is a first, as she has only previously answered yes or no if asked if she has been. She was right, and is now showing awareness which I think is good for 21 months old. After lunch she went for a nap, then daughter returned around 2.30 pm. Son left after tea and daughter went to work as usual.

There was very heavy rain tonight which left the back garden pretty waterlogged. OH held the toddler up to look at the rain, and she was watching all the frogs jumping around the garden. We have a small pond where they breed each year. After the rain stopped the dog went in the garden. My neighbour is looking after a friend's spaniel for a few days. The spaniel barked twice through the high privet hedge, and our puppy was so scared that she jumped the fence and ran down the garden, crashing into the slider's metal frame on the way. She is such a woosy, but all she really heard was the hedge barking at her lol.

We have lots of these!

So today was the first day of freedom for me and my daughter as she has now finished University and has no more work to do. We won't have to look after the toddler as much because she will be out and about with her mum. It will just be 2 evenings and Sundays while she works, and the odd evening when she goes out. Tomorrow I am packing as we are going away in the caravan to North Devon on Wednesday.

All the best x

Sunday 8 May 2016

When the Going Gets Hot

Today has to be the hottest day of the year in the South West so far. We put the toddler to bed for her afternoon nap and had to rush up and open her window and take her trousers off, as the baby monitor registered 25C in her room! Daughter works on Sundays so we look after her from 9 - 6. OH took her to the park this morning with the dog and then both sons, DIL and the grandchildren arrived for the afternoon. Sons, OH, the dog and the kids went to the local park for an hour leaving me and DIL to chat which was nice. My sons loved the zip line there - still kids really! After they all left I put on a roast lamb dinner ready for when daughter finishes work. Started to feel ill after I put the oven on - I often feel floating if the weather gets too hot. OH finished off the dinner and made the gravy, dished out etc. Daughter went off to her boyfriend's home for the night with the toddler so it's a nice, peaceful night here tonight. Oh, the Aldi nappies are working for the toddler, and there's been no more leaks at night since using them, which is great as it cuts down on the washing. They are a lot cheaper than Dampers too, which is another bonus.

We had the toddler all day yesterday too, as daughter wanted to finish her dissertation. She only has one short paragraph left to complete now, so she made very good progress here on her own. Yesterday we took the toddler and the dog to Clevedon for the day, which is a small seaside town. There was a lovely park by the sea front with a little train going around, donkey rides for the kids and fish and chip shops, cafes and bars. Toddler spent the most time picking daisies - simple things make her very happy! OH took her on the little train while I looked after the dog. Towards the end of the afternoon we saw my eldest son, DIL and the grandchildren who had been on the beach playing with the pebbles and mud. They were pleased we had baby wipes with us to clean up the 7 yr old. All of a sudden thunder started rumbling overhead and then it poured down with rain so we all ran for the cars. We stopped at OH's works on the way back to change the toddler as we were driving past anyway and they have nice, clean facilities there lol.

All aboard the Clevedon Express 

Spent 3 hours proof reading the dissertation when I got home last night from Clevedon. I proof read all of her university work and so far it has been all good. I'm not perfect at English grammar but I can usually spot simple things wrong -  like the possessive 's' in the wrong place or missing, commas that are needed etc. Actually daughter's punctuation has improved dramatically over the last few years at uni so there is very little to correct normally. But it was still 44 pages to go through so took a long time. She is writing something about children working together on a computer in the class room, and how they get on with it without/with input from the teacher. It's interesting to read but full of technical terminology so a bit above my level of understanding lol.

All the best x

Friday 6 May 2016

First Bar-b-q this year!

We all went to a bar-b-q at my eldest son's home today. It was organised by my younger son who lives with them and he put on a very good spread. He has an inflatable hot tub so OH, toddler, both sons and the 3 grandchildren went in. Son's best friend was there with his little girl, who is the same age as the toddler, which was nice for her to have someone to play with. DIL's oldest sister was there too and I got to know her a bit better, as I have only seen her a few times over the years. She has recently moved back home with her mum, so now lives locally to son and DIL. Was a really nice evening there with the kids all playing together. DIL seemed tired, probably as she is getting up really early to catch a train into town as she can't drive with her hand in plaster. We left about 9.45 pm as DIL was in the process of telling her sister to go home!! Nothing like we do here if we have a party or bar-b-q. Here when me and OH are tired we just say goodnight and go off to bed, leaving instructions to whoever is left that they can sleep on the settee or go when they want but please lock the doors. Actually, thinking about it probably most people don't do this but it has always worked for us. We only have family or very close friends to our parties anyway, so feel we can trust them. My daughter did remark on the way home that DIL didn't speak to her sister with any respect and I have to agree with that. I think her exact words were 'Get out of the hot tub now and go home.' When her sister asked why she said - 'because I want to go to bed and it's my house, my rules, so go.' Ah well, all families are different aren't they and some are stranger than others  - it was still a lovely bar-b-q.

Bye for now All the best x

Thursday 5 May 2016

Dampers vs Aldi on a Sunny Day

Happy Thursday and it has been a lot happier today. The toddler has stopped creating and yelling and I think this is probably because her new tooth has finally come right through. She is much happier anyway, whatever the reason. It was a lovely day today and the sun was shining here. We sat out in the garden for part of the day and put the sand pit out for the toddler.

 Toddler's Turtle Sandpit

Funny how teething affects some kids much more than others - none of my 3 kids were bothered and the first I knew about teething was when I saw the teeth right through in their mouths! Not very observant really lol. Toddler slept until 11am today, probably catching up on lost sleep. Daughter changed her in the middle of the night as the nappies keep leaking. 'Dampers' I call them. It didn't help as she was still wet through by morning.

Open House Here!

My sister Mel decided to visit today. She turned up around 12.30 and stayed til gone 3 pm. Nobody ever rings here they just turn up, which is how I like it. We don't have an appointments system lol. I was brought up with my dad and grandmother and we were never allowed to answer the door in case it was someone father owed money, so having an open door invitation to family and friends is great and the way I like it. My sisters are all the same too and family / friends just arrive. We don't do appointments and as we all live locally its not too far to go if they are out when you get there. When Mel left I popped to Aldi to try their award winning nappies (this was an advert they have out atm saying Mother and Baby Magazine found their nappies the best and they beat Dampers) Bought 2 packets as I wasn't sure of the size and daughter is trying them for the nighttime nappy. At just over £3 for 40 nappies it wasn't too expensive if they are no better.  Now I don't usually shop in Aldi but as I needed a lot of fruit and veg I thought I would try it as it seemed quite cheap. Much cheaper than Tesco definitely.

When I got home from shopping daughter and toddler were off to the local Children's Centre as she is donating a big bag of baby clothes that the toddler has outgrown. They are in vgc and the Children's Centre told her that a lady has just had a baby girl and has nothing for her so they will go to help someone in real need. Now we are not a wealthy family by any means, but I could not imagine having any of my children and having nothing for them. We started preparing when I was pregnant and everyone bought lots of things for the baby so we had so much. The same when daughter had the toddler - everyone helped her as family and friends do. Some people must have no caring relatives or friends to help them which seems very sad to me.

I was intending to cook a roast tonight but OH went to the pub on the way home from work and Mel stayed late so didn't have time. I did buy some steak but OH decided on a takeaway curry so we all had that instead. Daughter's friend, Sarah, called in to go through the dissertation with her - they went through uni together and have always supported each other which is nice. She has some great friends.

Hoping for more sunshine tomorrow. Bye for now All the best x

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Training Kids and Dogs

Quite a stressful day today with the toddler in a bad mood as daughter has taken away her dummy in the daytime and is just giving it for the nap and at bedtime. Had a really bad headache most of the day and really couldn't cope with the constant screaming on and off for the morning. Took the dog out to get away from it for half an hour and also retreated to the front room. Lucky here that we have 2 lounges. Cleaned the shower again and tried using wipes but its not a good job, so will get the white vinegar out tomorrow. I know it smells like a chip shop, but I have yet to find anything that moves the limescale better from the tiles and glass. It's supposed to be antibacterial too. 

 Magic Cleaner!

Would like to visit my other sister Jane tomorrow as I haven't seen her since Rick's funeral. That will be all 3 I have seen this month then. She has 7 children and a totally different parenting style than me, Amy and Mel. I always thought it was really bad but I must say her kids are growing up lovely so perhaps it is not a bad thing after all. Her style is what I think they call 'laissez faire' as she more or less let the kids do what they like i.e. bedtime when they felt like it, choose their own meals, did more or less what they liked, had whatever they wanted, no real structure to their day or routine. Completely opposite to me and mine. However, one niece has a degree and works in a bank. She had a fairy tale wedding. Another niece works as a support assistant and has been in steady employment since leaving school - she's studying for a management qualification. My nephew has moved in with his girlfriend and has a steady job - passed his test first time and has a nice car. Another niece is getting married next year and has 3 kids - always taking them on outings and to farms, parks etc. A really good caring mum. The 2 youngest boys are still at home and doing ok too. 

Laissez faire Parenting lol

Went to dog training tonight with OH which went well I think. I have come to the conclusion that my pup can understand most of what is being told/asked but then decides if she wants to do it or not as the case may be. Had a word with the trainer about food issues and how I am having to feed her sat on the carpet with dried food or she won't eat. Trainer just confirmed what I already know -
1) it's the poodle in her that makes her fussy 2) she waits for OH to give in and give her our food!

This session covered throwing food on the floor and not letting her have it, having a dish with food and raising it up and down, and then feeding when she comes back to you, sits and relaxes. Also weaving in and out of your legs and walking on a lead over 6 very low jumps. Rhondda did it all and was not frightened or hesitant at any of it unlike some of the other puppies.We had the session outside the hall this week as it was a nice evening 17C so reasonably warm. The trainer is really good and can control any dog and get it to do what she wants, even Rhondda lol.

Dog University Every Wednesday

Daughter is upstairs now (10.30 pm) on her dissertation again and OH has gone to bed already preparing for another early start in the morning. Time to relax - the dishes can wait until tomorrow. It's the manana approach again tonight lolol.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Shopping and Cleaning Today

Managed to go shopping yesterday so we are well stocked up again and the dishwasher can continue to perform as we now have the tablets!! Called in to see my sister who didn't look very happy at all - I limit these visits to about twice a month as always feel worse when I leave there. Sad but true. Well the BIL made me a nice ham roll which was very welcome - nobody does that here as daughter is working to a deadline on her dissertation and OH is workaholic lol. So that leaves me to do all the rest involved in running the house etc. etc. Basically sister has heard from Amy (my other sister) all the gossip about Amy's daughter moving back home with her 2 kids and how things are not too great. Most of it is just gossip as I am sure that my niece would not be telling her mother all about the argument she had with her ex MIL and how her ex MIL told her off!! So I said 'Did Amy chat to her daughter's ex MI?'  and then it went quiet. I think sister is now thinking perhaps a lot of it is exaggerated for dramatic effect, which as Amy is a 'chronic complainer' would fit in nicely lol. There is a saying on facebook which fits exactly how I feel about this 'Not my circus - not my monkeys.'
I do often wonder if other people's relatives are like this and spend all their time living their lives through everyone else's business, as this is what my sisters are like. I guess I am not that popular as I don't share a lot about myself with them so they have very little to gossip about. Ah well, at least the ham roll was lovely.

Today I finally got to the bottom of one of the freezers. We have 2 fridge freezers and a small chest freezer (now clean and empty.) Have been trying to empty it for about 4 months now but OH keeps seeing it half empty and rushes out to buy more food, as he thinks we are all going to starve lol. One done and two to go, but the fridge freezers are a lot smaller. Will go to the meat-man at the weekend. He is a brilliant butcher who sells very good quality meat at a cheap price. He doesn't have a shop, just a big van, but there is always a long queue, it is top quality meat, he's been going for 30 years and you have to be early to get anything before he sells out. He travels all over the south west on different days of the week.

Our Local Meat Man

Last night my youngest son came to stay the night as he had the day off today which was nice. Spent the evening chatting to me and his sister - she was showing him all the photos from Morocco and telling him all about the holiday. Her boyfriend called in for a cup of tea late morning, and then me and son went over the common with the dog to give her a good run. It was good having company there as I am a bit nervous of the common on my own - some bad things have happened there to others in the past. Tried to brush the dog  tonight with limited success as she hates the brush but at least I have achieved something and she looks a bit better. We have tried combs, and several different brushes but she's not fussy - she hates them all lol.

Bye for now All the best x

Sunday 1 May 2016

Visitor's day today!

Well daughter and her boyfriend got home at 1.45 am as their plane was delayed half an hour and they took ages getting people off. OH wouldn't pay the parking fees to wait so went for a drive, and I sent a text when they landed. He went straight off to bed as he is going to work tomorrow at 6 am! Don't really know why on a Sunday but they have had a lot of staff problems there recently. There are only 2 working atm and a new apprentice, as one chap is off for 3 months looking after his sick father and another has a hand injury so has not been in for a few weeks. He's sacked 2 people in the last few months - one for stealing and one for being totally incapable of doing the job (which he pretended to be very experienced at when interviewed.) Oh, and the last apprentice was sacked too as he had no intention of working and was a health and safety hazard leaving tools and materials everywhere. The final straw was when H & S inspectors turned up on site and found him with no hard hat or high viz vest on despite being told repeatedly to wear it!! Some people are really unbelievable and think they can do what they like at work - unfortunately this is not the case. Now I suppose writing this you may think that it's a hard place to work and my OH is very stern but this could not be further from the truth. He is extremely laid back and accommodating if anyone needs time off, and its all flexi time anyway. Unless there is a rush job on the workers of his building and maintenance team can manage their own hours and workload. You would have to be pretty awful to get the sack from this workplace but he did draw the line when one worker was on CCTV fiddling the time sheet, stealing tools and equipment, and even turning off one of the CCTV cameras while he did it! He even admitted it and gave back some of the tools (but not all) and the company lost thousands of pounds but did not prosecute him. I would have but then perhaps I am not so forgiving.

Seems familiar somehow!

Today I was woken by the toddler crying at 6 am again but daughter sorted it out so I managed to get another couple of hours sleep. She got her up at 7 am today. I didn't manage to do much today as DIL, son and grandchildren turned up to visit. Toddler is very close to her cousin (4) and they played together nicely with the toy kitchen. Grandson joined in with it in between playing on his tablet. DIL has to go back to the hospital next week to see if the 2 breaks in her hand are healing otherwise they may need to operate on it. She is still going to work - fair play to her - catching a train as she can't drive. She was having a race with her son (7) carrying her daughter (4) and tripped over on her driveway. My 4 year old granddaughter was OK but DIL landed on her face and hand, so her face is grazed too.

After they left daughter started to feel unwell and have a bad stomach. She says her boyfriend had the same yesterday on her holiday, so it could be something they ate abroad, or a germ they have picked up. Toddler went to bed as usual - showed off a lot today and was messing about with her mum, which is normal as she hasn't seen her for a few days. My nephew popped in for a chat to OH this evening as he is fitting patio doors and was looking at ours and how they are fitted. Should call round and see them really; they have a baby now and I haven't visited them all in ages.

I am feeling much better today for getting some sleep. My sleep pattern is not the 'norm' as I usually go to bed around 1.30 am or later and get up around 9.30 - 10.30. This is still only 8 hours sleep. I have been like this since working as a social worker in the young people's units where you have to be really alert late at night. It was not unusual to be up until 3 or 4 am giving statements to police or trying to settle disturbed young people with lots of problems. When I have had an early start job e.g. childminding then I have slept, when the children went home, for a couple of hours and still gone to bed much later. I have tried to go to bed at a 'normal' time but just lay awake until 1.30 or later which disturbs OH. At present I am trying to go upstairs at 1.30 am at the latest. I am finding it helps me sleep if I read the news or something else on my phone, which doesn't disturb him.

Must go shopping tomorrow as we have run out of most things now and I have only one dishwasher tablet left which, in itself, is a disaster waiting to happen  lolol.

Bye for now All the best.

Freedom coming soon ...........

Yesterday started early again 6.50 am and toddler's awake and looking for the dummy. Ran into daughter's room when I got her up, opened the bedside drawer, grabbed the TV remote and climbed onto the bed lol. Obvious what happens on a morning then! After breakfast and several cups of coffee I started to feel human again after another early start. The day went well with OH home at 4 pm and taking her swimming, which gave me a break to have a doze on the settee. Have nearly finished all the washing now so the house looks tidier. She went to sleep at 8 pm as usual - woke a 2.30 am as she lost the dummy, then awake again at 6.45.  Proper early bird is this one!

Today is my last day as a 'sole charge nanny' as daughter will be home in the early hours tonight. It's 12.05 am now and granddaughter is still sleeping soundly. We took the dog for a walk again with her in the buggy, then spent the day at home as it was showery weather so couldn't risk the park and getting soaked. Tomorrow I have freedom again and will be able to go out and about. Definately need to go food shopping. I will also be able to get some proper sleep as I feel exhausted with the early starts, and looking after a very alert and active toddler. She is developing climbing skills now and can get onto the dining table - no problem. Think daughter had a good time and a lovely break with her boyfriend in Morocco. Too tired to write any more tonight so I am off to bed. OH has gone to the airport to pick them up.

All the best x